New School, New People

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 (Russia can read lips and he knows ASL RSL USL and so forth to make it easier for him.)

Russia's POV

Someone shook me awake and I sat up, blinking at the sunlight coming from my window. Father smiles gently and signs, 'Good morning'. I hum, feeling the vibrations in my throat, I wonder what I sound like. People can lose their hearing from old age, accidents, or diseases. Lots of people use hearing aids to hear the world, and others like me were born deaf. I can't use hearing aids, but that's okay.

I get changed into a grey shirt, black hoodie, and blue jeans. I search a bit for my shoes and put them on. Today's my first day of school, I won't admit it out loud, but I'm excited. I rush downstairs and my siblings greet me, "Morning!" I read their lips carefully and grin. I speak as fluently as I can, "Morning." I can't hear it, but I think I said it okayish. Uki gives me a thumbs-up as I grab a bowl and a cereal box. Bel jumps up and down, "Are you excited?!" I wave my hand a bit. 'Kinda'.

Father smiles, "Hurry, Russia. It's almost time." I frantically put the bowl in the sink and rush upstairs to brush my teeth. I grab my backpack and rush outside and into the car with Kahl and Uki. I turn to Uki, "What's school like?" Uki smiles mischievously, "Oh, not much. You get a schedule and then you have to deal with people." I frown, "I would like friends." Uki checks his hair and smirks, "And if you don't?" I know Uki's just being salty about the fact he's grounded but he doesn't have to be so rude. 

I roll my eyes at him and turn towards the window. Colors go by in a blur and soon I see the school building. I get out of the car, waving goodbye at Father, "Russia, the teachers know. Bye, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Russia!" I have no intentions of hiding the fact I'm deaf, that's not necessary. 

I walk along the hallways when a boy shorter than me bumps into me. He looks up and grins sheepishly, "Hey, sorry for crashing into you. I'm in a hurry to return a book and wasn't really looking where I was going! Hey, you look new. Wanna maybe walk with me to the library?" I blink and nod my head slowly. "Great!" He grabs my arm and pulls me along. I notice the sunglasses on top of his head, why does he need those? 

He returns the book, "Phew, say, I'm America! Can I see your schedule, um..?" I hand it to him, "Sure, my name is Russia." That sounded formal, but I'm not the best at pronouncing compound words very well. America looks over my schedule and smiles, "Hey, we've got the first three classes together along with seventh period! Cool!" I smile and fiddle with my ushanka. 

"C'mon, let's head to class." I nod and follow him into our first class, history I think. He sits next to three people. He waves me over and I sit down next to him. "Russia, these are my friends, meet Japan, Philip, and Germany! We have, like, three other friends." I nod and smile, receiving a smile from each of them. They seem nice.

Maybe this won't be bad at all.

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