Chapter 19

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"Doggy, this is Zizzy! Zizzy, this Doggy!" I cheerfully introduced them.
"Oh, hi! Nice to meet you, Doggy. Y/N's talked about you a lot," Zizzy said as they shook hands.
"Really? Well, nice to meet you two," Doggy smiled.
The ground shook. I didn't know why.

"Y/N! Wake up! I don't know what that sound was, but we're not staying on find out!" Poley shouted.
"Why do you always wake me up when I have the best dreams!?" I sleepily complained.
"Just get up already! Something's up," Poley stated impatiently.
I begrudgingly got up from my bed and put on some shoes.
"Guys! Guys," Giraffy screamed, "I'm locked inside! Help!"
That's what really woke me up.

"The stairs are broken! Shoot, where's the ladder?" Poley asked.
I ran into Zee and Zuzy's room to make sure they were okay, but they had already left.
I found the ladder, however, and gave it to Poley.
"Wait is that an infected!?" I freaked out when I looked behind me.

It took around twenty minutes to find everyone, except for Zee and Zuzy.
Pony pointed out that they had a vent in their room and must've escaped via there.
I hope the infected can't climb into vents. (Mousy: Am I a joke to you?)
The rest of us all left the building.

"Rise and shine! Looks like we managed to get you out of bed," a familiar voice taunted us.
"Wait is that who I think it is?" I thought.
"Willow?" I was taken a-back, to say the least.
"I thought you said you didn't know where she was, Officer?" Willow turned to Poley.
He stayed silent with a stern look on his face.
Willow walked over to me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me away.
"Hey!" Poley protested, tugging me back.
"Leave her alone!" Pony shouted.
"Woah, woah!" Willow raised her gun, "I'd let her come with me if I were you two."

I was confused and angry.
She destroyed our base didn't she?
But why?
"Let me go, Willow," I said.
She released my wrist.
"Darling.." she started.
"Stop calling me that, I've been saying the same thing for years!" annoyance became the third emotion I was feeling.
"Keep them all in one place where we can control what they do," Willow told her crew, "But leave Y/N for me, clear?"

They escorted us to a factory.
I looked over to Pony, who had a terrified look on his face.
There's something wrong, something between him and Willow...

Inprisoned (Roblox Piggy Fan-fiction) Willow x Fem!Reader x DoggyWhere stories live. Discover now