Chater 9!!

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Authors Note: Hey besties I know it's been soooooo long and I'm so sorry😭, but I kinda want to start up again🥴. I got logged out of my account and finally got back in. Feel free to drop any suggestions or things you want to see in the next chapters coming up!! I'm shocked by how many of you have read and liked this. Here we go! Also this will probably be suppper rough because it's been so long lmao. Sorry in advance.
End of last chapter:
I sighed and rolled out of bed. I had better get dressed and go see the Pogues. No one had to know about last night. It was our secret.

So we are skipping basically the entirety of episode 7 because it's all staying the same. Sarah and Kenna have the night on the boat where they make amends and become friends again, this allows the pogues to finally search for the treasure together. They all go to the well can John B. finds the gold. The last thing we see are the pogues celebrating the victory of finding the gold.

"Meet in the Twinkie tomorrow for the g game plan okay?" John B. asked as I opened the van door for him to drop me off at home.

"One step closer to full Kook" I said as a response before slamming the car door and waving goodbye. I turned toward my house and took a deep breathe before walking forward.

I smelled like shit after being in the car with a sewage covered John B. It was nearly two A.M and I would be in big trouble if I didn't sneak in quietly. I slowly opened and closed the front door. Just as I had made it to the stairs and thought I was home free, the living room lights turned on.

"McKenna Carrera. You come here right now." I turned to see my mothers stern face and fathers crossed arms. This was not going to be fun. I crossed to the living room and my mother scrunched her nose.

"You stay out until two in the morning and return smelling like a pig? What are you doing with you life Ken?" My mother's disappointment was radiating off of her.

"It's really not a big deal mom, it's summer and we were just having some fun. Can you chill?" Maybe I shouldn't have added the last part but we were still annoyed with each other after midsummers.

"Don't speak to your Mother like that." My dad said sternly. "You can't do whatever you want and expect us to stand by. You're letting yourself go." He continued on.

"Dad I'm fine there's nothing to worry about. You're treating me like a child, I can manage myself." My voice was starting to raise with anger.

"Can you? Because it seems like you're letting these pogues take up all of your time." My mother said. I could tell she was getting angry too.

"Mom enough pogue talk, what I do with my life isn't your choice!" I yelled. I couldn't handle them controlling me any more.

"Don't yell at me when you're the irresponsible one!" Yelled my mother. "Now go to bed and tomorrow you can help your dad and I at the wreck. You can finally do something productive." She commanded.

"I've already made plans tomorrow so I can't work." I said as I walked away and up the stairs quickly. I needed a shower and a break from the yelling.

"We weren't done talking!" Yelled my mother up to me.

"Yes we were." I yelled back down.

"McKenna you get back down here right now!" She shouted again. I ignored her as I slammed my door. I leaned up against the door rubbing my temples to try to get rid of my headache.

"Well that was entertaining" I jumped at the voice and looked up to see Rafe sitting on my bed.

"What the hell is the matter with you, you can't keep breaking into my house." I said to him as I marched over to my bed.

"Ew back up you smell like shit." He laughed. I was unamused.

"What do you want?" I said, giving him an eye roll for extra measure.

"Well I figured I'd crash here again." He shrugged. I was not in the mood to entertain Rafe Cameron, especially when he was in a teasing mood and I was most definitely not. Plus tomorrow was a big day for us and the gold, I didn't need him distracting me. Even though I had offered earlier, this was still Rafe. I didn't need to be associated with him, even if last night had been a totally different person than I'd ever seen before.

"Find somewhere else." I grumbled as I shouldered past him to grab some fresh clothes.

"Hey" he said as he grabbed my arm firmly and stopped my movement. He wasn't in a teasing mood anymore. "You think you can ignore me? Like I'm not worth you time?"

His grip was really tight and all humor had left his eyes. He could flip the psycho switch so fast that it was scary. I pulled out of his grip and turned to fully face him.

"This is bullshit, I'm getting in the shower, and when I get out you had better be gone." I knew it was risky being firm with him, I already knew he was stronger than me and could make me do whatever he wanted, but all I wanted was the rest of the night to myself. He looked me up and down, for some reason he looked more calm than before. It was as if my anger didn't phase him. In fact, it almost seemed to intrigue him.

"Can I join" he finally said with a smirk. What the hell is wrong with him? One moment he's pissed as hell and the next he's making shower sex jokes? He was making my head hurt. I rolled my eyes again and began to walk to my bathroom.

I was surprised when he didn't say or do anything. He simply let me walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I took a shower and when I came out, there he was. Under the cover fast asleep. What the fuck is wrong with him? I told him to leave and this is what I get? I went to wake him up and make him leave, but as I got closer I noticed how peaceful he was. His normal look of stress was completely gone. All of a sudden I didn't have the heart to wake him. I was reminded of last night, this is the other side of Rafe again. Not the psycho, but the scared boy who was all alone. The one I couldn't say no to.

I got in the bed a fell asleep just looking at him. When I woke up, he was nowhere to be found. Rafe Cameron was becoming a major problem for me.

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