Cuddles and Windex

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Kiyo and I are currently cuddling together... with Akemi. I'm on top of Kiyo while Akemi's clinging onto one of my arms.

Akemi's asleep, but Kiyo and I aren't. Instead, I'm talking about random things with Kiyo. "Kiyo, would you love me more if I was a bottle of Windex?" I asked out of impulse.

"Yes." He answered instantly. I propped my chin up on his chest and gave him a look of shock. "ArE yOu GoNnA dItCh Me FoR a BoTtLe Of FuCkInG wInDeX?!?!" I asked while crying crocodile tears.

"Idiot I'm not leaving you," Kiyo said while stroking my hair and rubbing my back. "Y/N-nee, what does fucking mean?" A sweet little voice asked.

I turned in shock to Akemi, who was looking at me curiously. "Uhh," I stalled. Kiyo was smirking at me, trying to see how I would get out of this.

"It's a bad word that you should never say Akemi, so don't be like Y/N-nee," I said while poking her nose. "Yeah Y/N-nee isn't a good example or a responsible person," Kiyo said.

I glared at him, and he just stuck his tongue out at me *like Kunimi did*. Akemi nodded, agreeing with Kiyo, then she fell asleep again.

I laid my cheek back on Kiyo's chest, and he continued rubbing my back and running his fingers through my hair. I let out a soft purr, and relaxed in Kiyo's hold.

"You're so adorable," Kiyo muttered. I smiled softly and said, "I know." I tilted my head up slightly and kissed his neck. Kiyo smiled, and continued doing what he was doing.

Sakusa's POV~ I was in the middle of running my fingers through her hair, when I noticed that Y/N's breathing was more evened out. I stroked her cheek with my thumb to see how she would react.

She didn't do anything, just kept sleeping. "Thanks for being the only exception to my germaphobia," I whispered. Y/N smiled and shuffled in her sleep. I smiled, then closed my eyes, and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Akaashi's POV~ "I'm home!" I said to nobody in particular. "HEY HEY HEY! Where's Akemi and Y/N?" Bokuto-san asked.

"Let's go find them, Bokuto-san," I said. We walked upstairs and checked the loft. Nobody was there, so I checked Y/N's room.

I saw Y/N, Akemi, and Kiyoomi-kun cuddled up on her bed with two plushies. They looked like Bokuto-san and Kiyoomi-kun. I took a picture of them, and sent it to Motoya-kun.

"HEY HEY H-mphf," I clapped a hand over Bokuto-san's mouth so he wouldn't wake the three of them up. Bokuto-san looked like he was about to go into emo mode, so I pointed at the three of them.

Bokuto-san developed a look of understanding on his face. He walked into the room and shook Akemi awake, also accidentally waking Kiyoomi-kun up in the process.

"Oh, hello Boku-" Kiyoomi-kun yawned before continuing, "Bokuto-san, Keiji-kun. Did you guys have a nice time?"

We both nodded. "Sorry for waking you up, Akemi and I have to get going now," Bokuto-san said. "Oh, ok, see you later," Kiyoomi-kun said.

"Wait, take the owl plushie too. Y/N bought it for Akemi-san. We also made cookies for you and your sisters, so take the container that says 'Bokuto'," Kiyoomi-kun finished.

"Ah ok, thanks Sakusa-kun! Say bye now Akemi," Bokuto-san said. Akemi, who was still tired, waved her hand as a farewell.

Bokuto-san walked out the door and said, "Oh, and tell Y/N-chan I said thank you!" I bowed to Kiyoomi-kun, then followed Bokuto-san to see him off at the door.

"Thank you for today Bokuto-san," I said while kissing him on the cheek and ruffling Akemi's hair. "Of course 'Kaashi! See you guys later!" he said as he walked back to his car.

*Yes, Bokuto can drive. Where I'm from, you can drive at 16, and Bokuto is 17.*

I relaxed on the couch after grabbing the cookie from the container that said 'Keiji'. Pokemon had been put on the TV, so I changed it to Haik- wait... why was I about to say Haikyuu? I've never even heard of such an anime.

Anyways, I changed it to Naruto because why not? I'd already finished the series though, so I wasn't really paying attention. I was just scrolling through my phone.

I came across the Itachiyama volleyball page on Instagram, and saw Kiyoomi-kun, Motoya-kun, Y/N, and Iizuna-san posing for the camera, along with the other former second year and third year students.

I smiled before looking at the Fukurodani Volleyball Club Instagram page. I saw myself posing with Bokuto-san, Konoha-san, Washio-san, Komi-san, Saru-san, Yukie-san, and Kaori-san

I wonder if our new first years are gonna be good at volleyball. I hope we beat Itachiyama at this year's Interhigh, I wanna be a seeded team this year.

It's gonna be Bokuto-san's last year playing high school volleyball this year, and I know I'm gonna do my best to make this year count. 

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