the first time i saw him

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I wake up to my brother screaming at me.
Marcus (your older brother): "FUCK Y/N WAKE UP IT'S 7:35AM CLASSES STARTS AT 8:05AM WE'RE GONNA BE LATE"
"WHAT ??? HOW ?? I SETTLED AN ALARM LAST NIGHT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE" i said screaming at him.
"I GUESS YOU DIDN'T, NOW GO GET READY WE'RE LEAVING IN 10-15 MINUTES" he said throwing a pillow at me
"okay okay calm down"
i wait for him to go out of my room and i put on a brown flared pair of jeans and a brown crop top with my white airforces. (like this)

I wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair and run to the car

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I wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair and run to the car.
"omfg what took you so long" he said looking very mad
"why are you so dramatic it's 7:45 i only took 10 minutes"
"i don't wanna be late on my first day i wanna make a good impression this time" he said rolling his eyes
"you're right i'm sorry" i said
"it's okay let's go"
"marcuuuuuuusss" i said with puppy eyes
"wtf do you want" he said laughing
"i forgot to take my breakfast can we pleaaaseeeee go to starbucks just to take a coffee or something" i said begging him
"okay but if i'm late you will explain to dad it was your fault"
"NO PROBLEM! and i don't think we're gonna be late since the starbucks is next to the school"
"you right" he said
we take our order at 7:50AM and go to school as fast as we can, we arrive at 8:00AM.
Marcus and i make our separate ways and i walk as fast as i can to the school not really watching where i go because i'm looking at my schedule at the same time, suddenly i feel someone bump into me and it made me drop my coffee on the floor, i look up furious and see a boy with a ridiculous mohahawk but it looked kinda hot on him, he had beautiful blue eyes and a perfect smile.
"can't you watch where you go you asshole" i said
"i was about to ask you the same question princess" he said smirking
"do you have a name"
"yes i have one but i'm not giving it to you you fucking psycho, i'm late i have to go bye"i said walking away
"we will see each other again princess" he said loud enough so i could hear him
"yeah sure" i said laughing
shit it's 8:04 i run into the school and i look for the principal's office and i accidentally bump into someone AGAIN. I look up and see Miguel my only friend since i moved here, we spent all summer together.
"oh my god y/n what are you doing here" miguel said surprised
"My school burned down so I had to transfer to another school" i said
"oh yeah i saw it in the news, i know how hard it is to be the new kid, you can seat with me and my friends at lunch if you want to" he said
"thank you so much i don't really have friends here" i said smiling at him
"no problem you're one of my best friends it's the least i can do" he said smiling
"do you know where is the principal's office by any chance"
"it's right there just knock on the door and wait for him to open" he said showing me the door
"thank you so much see you later miguel" i said waving at him
"see you at lunch" he said waving back and walking away
now i'm all alone again ,great. I knock on the door and wait a few seconds and a man open the door.
"Y/N Y/L/N?" the principal asked me
"yes it's me i'm sorry for being late i was lost" i said
"it's okay the student that is gonna give you a tour of the school is late too, can you give me your school application" he said
"yes just give me a second to find it" i said looking for it in my purse
"Eli you're late"
"i'm sorry i forgot, you told me you needed my help with something"
"yes y/n is a new student and i want you to give her a tour of the school"
i look up and i saw him, the asshole that bumped into me 5 minutes ago, omg he's so hot i said to myself.
"of course Mr." he said smirking at me
i give my school application to the principal and he goes back to his office.
Eli was on his phone he wasn't paying attention to me so i start to walk next to the lockers.
"Eli are you gonna give me a tour or are you going to stay here" i said annoyed
he looked at me extremely mad and walk up to me and pin me against the lockers.
"What did you just fucking called me?" he said
i look at him confused
"umm i called you Eli, it's your name right?" i said laughing
"what's so funny princess" he said pinning me against the lockers even harder
"what's your fucking problem the principal called you Eli like 2 minutes ago"
"i don't give you the rights to call me that princess, my name is Hawk" he said
"i'll try to remember it, Eli" i said smirking at him
he takes me by the neck angrily
"i just fucking told you to stop calling me that"
"what are you gonna do, hit me?" i said smiling
"i would never hit a girl"
"why? you're afraid to loose?" i said getting closer to his face
"in your dreams" he said smirking and getting even closer to me, almost kissing me
i pulled away and started walking away. I stopped because i didn't hear his steppes so i turned around and looked at him, he was just standing there admiring me, looking at me up and down and smirking.
"are you coming or do you want an invitation?" i said laughing

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