first day of school

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"are you coming or do you want an invitation" i said laughing.
He rolls his eyes laughing and walks in my direction.
"are you always this mean or are you like this only with me" he said
"what about you are you always this annoying or are you like this only with me"
We laughed a little, there was an awkward silence but he finally decided to talk.
"why did you change high school in october"
"it's my private life i don't understand why you care" i said confused
I know i may be a little mean but i'm not really good at being social and open up to people, i have really bad trust issues i feel like they could use what i say against me so i prefer to not open up.
"come on make an effort, i'm trying to be nice and getting to know you"
He's right if i want to finally make friends it's now or never.
"my school burned down weeks ago so i had to change school"
"oh yeah i saw it in the news it's crazy, it's weird i've never seen you before"
"not really none of my friends are in this school i only know one person here and i just moved here this summer that's why you've never seen me"
"it sucks to loose all of your friends, is someone waiting for you there ?"
"i mean did you have a boyfriend in your old school"
"oh umm no i mean yes, i don't know it's complicated..." i said looking at the floor
"i see"
"it's my turn to ask you a question"
"ask me anything princess" he said smirking
"how did you made this scar"
"oh this... it's because i had cleft lip" he said covering his mouth with his hand.
"why are you u hiding it"
"because it's ugly" he said looking at the floor.
"what ? no it's not i think it's pretty badass"
"you mean that" he said surprised.
"of course i mean it" i said smiling at him.
He looked at me right in the eyes, smiling at me, i was hypnotised it was like the time had stopped. I felt my heart beat faster and faster, he wasn't that bad after all.
"the bell is going to ring show me your schedule so i can show you where's your class"
i gave him my schedule.
"perfect ! we have the same class" he said smiling.
We walk to the classroom but before entering the class a girl walk over to us and she takes Eli by the arm.
"ummm this is y/n she's new" he said to the girl.
"oh cool i'm Moon ! by the way you're beautiful, i love your outfit" she said with a huge smile.
Omg i already love her.
"oh my God thank you so much, i've never seen someone this stunning" i said
"are we about to kiss right now" she said laughing
"we should go inside we're going to be late" Eli said.
Eli is sitting next to Moon so i was all alone, I see a seat next to a boy so I go and sit next to him.
"can i seat here" i asked to the boy.
"of course ! my name is Demetri"
"nice to meet you mine is y/n" i said smiling at him.
I turned around and saw Eli and Moon laughing together they look really close. Of course he has a girlfriend i don't know what i was thinking.
The class went by pretty fast, Demetri told me that we had our next class together so we sat
next to each other. I turned around and saw Eli alone, Moon wasn't here.
After 10 minutes i feel like someone is throwing stuff in my hair so i turned around to see who it was, and it was Eli he was laughing so hard.
"fuck you" i said laughing
I take the papers in my hair and throw it at him.
The teacher told us to calm down so i tried to focus on the lesson but it was boring so i started talking to Demetri and he's actually very funny. He also told me that Moon and Hawk aren't dating, she has a girlfriend. It's already lunch time so i walk over to the cafeteria, alone.
I walk over to the cafeteria and i see Miguel and Demetri sitting to our usual table so i join them and we talk about our day and Demetri started to talk about y/n.
"a girl seated next to me she was hot, smart AND funny, she's too good to be true i think she's a robot"
"calm down bro you've known her for 5 minutes, you're not going to fall in love with her"
"you're jealous ?" he said laughing
"guys i forgot to told you my friend is going to seat with us, she's right there by the way"
I see y/n coming to our table, she puts her tray on the table, looking at me shocked.
"tell me this is a joke" she said still shocked
"you already miss me princess ?" i said smirking at her.
"wait, you know each other" Miguel said confused.
"she's the girl we were talking about " i said
"you talked about me" she said smiling
"yeah we talked about how annoying you are" i said laughing.
"haha so funny" she said rolling her eyes.
10 minutes later
After a couple minutes she decides to finally join the conversation. She was laughing with Miguel about... i don't know actually i was just zoning out the whole time. I was looking at how beautiful she was. She seems to be really close to Miguel... What if he was her boyfriend.
It's time to go in class so i ask Miguel if we can talk.
"are you and y/n dating ?"
"what ? no she's my best friend she's like a sister to me" he said laughing
"oh ok, do you know her boyfriend"
"why ? you like her?" he said smiling
"what ?! no! I've known her for like 5 minutes, i'm just curious"
"yeah sure" he said laughing
i walk alone in the hallway not really knowing where i'm going suddenly i hear someone scream my name, it was Miguel he came over to me and we started talking.
"you already made a boy fell in love with you"
"wtf are you saying"
"Hawk asked me who was your boyfriend"
"i think he's just curious"
"i don't think so, he's always minding his own business, by the way did Chase called you since"
"no he's ignoring me and it's better this way because it's easier for me to forget him"
"he was an asshole anyway you were way too good for him"
"yeah... we should go in class we're going to be late" i said
I sat next to Miguel but we didn't talk because i was too busy thinking about Chase. Chase is my boyfriend at least i hope he is but i don't think we are a couple anymore, we were dating for almost a year and he wanted to have sex with me but i wasn't ready and he went crazy, he hit me and told me we needed a break. I've never hear of him since, he blocked me on every social media and blocked my number. It wasn't the violence that scared me it was the fact that I knew no matter what he did I'd still love him.
"hey are you okay ?" Miguel asked worried.
"i'm fine don't worry"
"you should come to my karate class, maybe you'd like it"
"i haven't done karate for a year i think i lost all the bases"
"it's okay we're going to have fun"
We are in the dojo and everyone is looking at me, i feel like they are judging me.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP" a man screams i think he's the sensei
"i see we have a new student, i hope you're not a pussy like the other one" he said looking at me like i'm a piece of shit.
"let's see what you've got, you will fight Hawk"
my heart stopped i didn't even notice he was here. I go in the center and everyone is looking at me. Eli is in front of me, he's smirking.
"good luck princess"
"i don't need luck"
He starts by kicking me in the stomach but on the second kick I grab his leg and knock him to the ground. He gets up extremely fast and he tripped me so I fall to the ground. He's on top of me but I manage to put my legs around his waist which makes him tilt so i now i'm on top of him, our eyes meet and it felt like the time had stopped. Suddenly the sensei grabs me by the arm and lifts it up in the air.
"we have a new student y/n"
Everyone applauds me and i go next to Miguel.
"YOU'RE ACTUALLY VERY GOOD" he said with a huge smile.
"thank you" i said smiling.
"who knew the princess could fight" Eli said smiling at us.
"It must hurt to lose to a girl who hasn't done karate for a year" Miguel said making fun of Eli.
"I let her win" he said rolling his eyes.
"yeah right" Miguel and i said at the same time.
Time went by so fast it's already the end of
practice. I call Marcus so he comes pick me up.
"you really like karate huh"
"yeah" i said laughing
"who's the guy you were with this morning"
"ummm i don't know what you're talking about"
"that guy with the crazy hairstyle"
"oh, he made me a tour of the school, i don't know him that much"
"you're very close for strangers" he said laughing
"why do you care don't you have a life or something"
"calm down i'll leave you alone, but If I hear he did something to you I will kill him"
We arrive home and I go straight up to my room, i take a shower and do my skincare.
I go on my phone and search for Eli's instagram. I found it, he doesn't post a lot but there's a picture of him and Miguel. He's so hot omfg. NO NO NO NO WHAT DID I DO. My heart stopped, I liked an old picture, it's so embarrassing. After 10 minutes of overthinking i got a notification, "hawk_moskowitz followed you" i smile at the notification and follow him back. I put my phone down and think about him, about his smile. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Am i falling in love with him ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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