Margaret Brown

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She was leaning comfortably against the smooth, polished railings. Her head was tilted upwards towards the sun, her eyes closed, and a small smile danced across her lips. The other first class passengers passed her by and quietly mocked her, for none had the courage to say anything to her face. They mocked the simple white, lace dress which she wore, and the beige purse she carried upon her arm. They mocked her hat that was a soft cream colour with delicate flowers around its brim, and her hair which was kept together with a single rose pearl clasp. Unbeknownst to them as they were to proud to even think of it, she could hear every comment that was thrown her way. They hurt her, though she tried her best not to heed them. She kept her head held high because she knew there were those who wished with all their stone-cold hearts to see her fall. She wore her discomfort and her pain like the grandest of diamonds, and this meant that nothing could truly touch her. 

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