The wreck

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At the bottom of the see, in the deepest, darkest, coldest zone, lies the ghost ship in it's melancholy grave. The silence is deafening, and the rusted tears of the metal hull make the ship itself seem somehow lonely and sad. The old screws and bolts hold together the decaying coffin. The rooms are deep voids, empty of all light. Blankets of see plants cover every inch of them. The grand ballroom echoes with the whispers of the dead, an obituary to the fallen. The fish that swim through the wreckage are lost souls, trapped where they are, unable to move on, unable to leave this ship which has become their prison. The chandeliers that still hang from the ceilings, their diamonds are the forgotten memories, unsaid words of those who drowned.

The Titanic. She sits there as the deep see world breaks her apart. She is a skeleton of what she once was. A strong, bold, soul. An unsinkable, brave, maiden, out to seek her fortune. Now as she burrows deeper into the sands below, she is a lonely, sad phantom. An echo of her glory days.  

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