Sunday stands for sunshine and feeling dazed.
We loop back here once, about every week.
Sunday forgets week feats, as if unfazed.Wednesday was lax like cows after they grazed:
No chores or grocery store errands to sneak.
Sunday stands for sunshine and feeling dazed.Thursday I bought donuts, jelly and glazed
to honor that work was then at its peak.
Sunday forgets week feats, as if unfazed.Friday brought with it horizons so hazed
the smoky sky fell into the grey creek
Sunday stands for sunshine and feeling dazed.Saturday was a storm; You'd be amazed.
I aced three exams but I remain meek.
Sunday forgets week feats, as if unfazedSeven days' adventures are quickly razed.
Sunday resets the week, making life bleak
Sunday stands for sunshine and feeling dazed.
Sunday forgets week feats, as if unfazed.