Chapter 2: Recess

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"What's wrong, sweetie?" Asks Mrs. Allison as soon as everyone was gone.

"I....was.....thinking..... about.... Ronan." I cried through sobs.

I see a frown starting to form on her lips. Usally, it doesn't fase her, since she learned to deal with the pain. But every once in a while the subject gets to her.

Me, on the other hand, can bearly say his name without tears forming in my eyes.

"Honey! Why do you still think of him? Its okay!" She wraps her arms around me.

I feel a tear fall from Mrs. Allison's eye.

"I don't know!" I cried again.

I pull away from her tight grasp and wipe my eyes.
I had to stop crying when I heard footsteps coming towards the door. When the door was pushed open, Abigail, or Abby, was standing there. Even though my vision was blured, I could make out her golden, curly locks.
She runs over and hugs me then whispers "It will all be okay in the end."
So here I stand, crying infront of the only two people who will listen and care.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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