𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞.

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The title may be from the song Nurses Office.

Bakugou POV:-

My parents came home late last night, more like they were just at the bar. I had a few bruises on my face still, the old hag got me some cheap makeup to cover it up, so no one finds out. Should I tell her that no one would even care if I got hurt or not? I'm pretty sure she can wait.
I quickly cover up my bruises and walk to UA. As I'm walking I hear a few whispers, I really couldn't care less, if people were talking about me. I've gotten use to it... The staring, whispering. I finally got to the gates of UA, everyone was talking about me, some even laughed. But did I give a fuck? No.
I go into my classroom and a bucket of water falls into my head... Fucking damnit

Mina:- *laughing* Did you enjoy your shower, Villain? Ha..!

Sero:- Mina, we should've used garbage water! It would've been ten times better

Mina:- Oh shit, your right! Well we can do it next time

Midoriya:- Heh yeah

I just stayed silent, it was just water, but it did make my bandages wet.. Fuck! I quickly run out of the room, with the extras saying something. I didn't really hear what they said, I go to the bathroom and remove the wet bandages. Good thing I brought extra, I put new ones on. I'm gonna need gloves soon.
I go back in the classroom, making sure there wasn't like water bottles, on top of the door, I sit down. And grab my sketch book, and start drawing something. I have no idea was I was drawing, I just started drawing (low-key me)

What he drew^ (i did not draw that, I'm not talented enough to draw that)

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What he drew^ (i did not draw that, I'm not talented enough to draw that)

I didn't realize class had even started, I was zoning out while drawing. Class was also very fucking boring, we just learned about how to find a villains weakness, I already knew all of that. I glance at the extras, they were giving me the "He's the villain" glance.. Kinda creepy
Once class was over I went over to the cafeteria, I don't even know why I was there! It's not like I was gonna eat anything. I only got a small drink and went to the rooftop, I sat near the edge. I guess, I was thinking about jumping, because I was zoning out.
When I felt someone pull my hair

Third person POV:-

As Iida pulled Bakugou's hair, Bakugou yelled in pains, since Iida pulled his hair hard.. Really hard

Bakugou:- What the hell was that for, four eyes!?

Iida:- I just wanted to pull your hair, that's all

Bakugou:- Well you did! Now go

Iida then grab Bakugou's collar and thrown him across the floor, as Iida was walking towards him to punch him, Bakugou got up and ran outside and into the hallways where he saw Midoriya and Todoroki.
It looked like they were waiting for him to leave the roof, Midoriya then punched Bakugou in the eye which will later give him a black eye. Todoroki froze Bakugou's legs so that he wouldn't go anywhere, Iida comes back, and kicks Bakugou in the stomach, which caused him to fall over.
And then they beaten him up, leaving Bakugou on the ground, bleeding everywhere
Once he got his energy back. He went to recovery girl's office, and it was also time for class. But you and I both know he isn't gonna make it anyway. Recovery girl see's all of his bruises and tries to ask him what happened but he wouldn't answer or say anything. Once he was all healed up, he left the nurse's office.
He was told that he was able to go by to class but instead he just ditched and went home

Bakugou POV:-

I hate this.... I hate this... I HATE THIS!!!! I can't believe I'm ditching school and going home, just because I've been beaten up

See I told you~ They are never gonna care for you! Why don't you go take a swan dive off of the roof of a building? It'll make you feel better~ for sure! Everyone hates you, Midoriya hates you, your parents hates you, and you even hate yourself!

No... Stop... Shut up!

You are nothing! You are not special!

Stop it! Leave me alone!!

Not special! Not the best!! Weak! Weak! Weak!

Shut up!!!

I didn't even realize, I was already home. How long was I fighting that voice? *Sigh* whatever.. I just hope my parents aren't home yet.. I open the door, and they aren't home! Thank God! I run up to my room and go onto the bathroom and start running the water in the sink. Take off the bandages, grab my blade.
And push it against my skin, it felt good... Even though it hurt, it felt amazing! I cut until I felt no more pain (shit I forgotten to say trigger Warning.... Uh- you may skip if like)
I saw everything go dark. I didn't see anything but black... And red.. What only felt like five minutes, I wake up to see a puddle of blood. I look at the time it's 6:34pm.
I was asleep for that long? (He also got home at around 1:56pm) I clean up my blood and cuts, and go downstairs to see my parents, talking on the couch... I try to go back up when I heard the old hag say something

Mitsuki:- Katsuki... Can you please come here?

Katsuki:- Yes, mother..

If she ever says my name and not brat, then that means something

Masaru:- So we got a few calls from UA, saying that you ditched school and beaten up a student is that true?

Well the ditching school is, but the beating up another student isn't

Katsuki:- Yes... It's true

Then old hag slapped me around the face. That's gonna leave a nice mark


See? What did I tell you? Your mother hates you, your father hates you! You do nothing good! You are just a villain! Villain! Villain! Villain!

Masaru:- All you do is disappoint us. Do nothing good with your fucking life! If anyone were you, I bet they would've killed themselves by now. No one wants to be a ugly fat pig!

Mitsuki:- Now hurry up and get out of here! We don't want to look at that face anymore

I run upstairs, and lock the door and slide down, and put my legs up into my chest.. And cried... And that voice was telling me how I would never be enough, if I lose weight, if I try being nicer to people, if I take the blame for everything.... It would never be enough!
Once I finished crying, I went to bed... Not excited for tomorrow..

Narrator POV:-

A week as gone by, with Katsuki being bullied constantly, and going to the nurse's office to get away from it. But his parents were getting more and more calls about it. He decided he was only gonna ditch school of he really had too, the voice was getting worse and worse every day... It was up until the point where Bakugou was very suicidal..

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