||Chapter Five: Dinner at Myers, Part Two||

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...As soon as Ms. Myers and Michael arrived in the dining room, Ronnie went ahead and opened his big, fat, useless mouth.


Michael soon regretted being happy about being home once again, like every other day.

"Ronnie, please stop teasing him." Ms. Myers sighed with frustration.

"What? I'm just trying to help him man up!" Ronnie chuckled in response. Judith sat in silence, rolling her eyes at the old man's response. Michael went over to one of the two empty seats at the table and sat down, his mom following in hot pursuit.

The table was quiet for a few minutes until Ms. Myers spoke up.

"...Everyone, Michael has something important to tell you all." She smiled.

Michael looked up from his plate slowly, and looked around. Everyone was looking at him, waiting for him to speak, even Angel was standing in her crib, it seemed as if she wanted to hear what he had to say! He spoke up.

"I have a new friend..."

Judith's mouth was agape with shock, His mom had a big fat smile across her face, Angel cooed in response and Ronnie was still silent.

"Go on..." Ms. Myers nods her head towards the blonde boy.

"...Um..." Michael mumbled, while Ronnie began drinking his, probably, 10th bottle of beer of the day.

"Her name is (y/n), and she lives down the street."

With that sentence, Ronnie spits out all of nasty liquid out of his mouth and spews it all over the table.

"Ew, what the fuck, old man!" Judith dropped her fork, tried wiping off some of the liquid off her face and storms off upstairs.

"RONNIE!" Ms. Myers shrieks.

"ack-" Michael gags. Angel begins to cry in her crib.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS, DEBRAH?!" Ronnie began laughing.

"I don't understand what's so funny, asshole." She replies.

Ronnie continued laughing. "This creepy little shit somehow made a friend! And it's a girl! Never have I thought he would make friends with anyone! EVER! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Angel continued sobbing in her crib, scared by all the hollering.

Michael looked down at his feet and frowned.

'Does (y/n) think I'm creepy?'

His mom seemed to notice how sad he was, as she tried to reassure him.

"Don't listen to him, Mick. You're fine. I promise...you can go upstairs and get yourself cleaned up hun. Don't worry about finishing dinner."

He came out of his train of thoughts and back into reality. "...O-okay..." he gets out of his chair and begins walking out of the room, only to be tripped by Ronnie the bastard, which made the old man laugh even more. He got right back on his feet quickly and ran up the stairs, leaving his mom and the old man he despised yelling at each other while his baby sister cries her heart out.

'One day...'
he thought as he looked out his bedroom window,
'One day, I'll show him. I'll show this whole town who I am and they'll never forget me.'

Author's Note
Hey! I know what you're thinking, 'thank goodness, this story is finally getting somewhere!' I know, I know...but did you forget? It's a slow burn which means it will take a while for things to happen, as I'd like to make this story as long and enjoyable as possible.

What do you guys think of it so far? Do you like it? What are something's you'd like to see? Any suggestions? Please let me know!


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