Chapter - 10, "The beginning of the END"

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*Somewhere near lockdown, 07:00 p.m.*

[Robin was sitting on his motorcycle parked on the middle of road while talking to cold.]

Robin: cold, are you sure? Do you really know he will be here anytime?... cold! COLD!!!

C.OL.D.: sir... the... conn... is... we...k.

Robin: Oh, no... cold please stay connecter...

C.O.L.D.: N... poss..le.

Robin (to himself): Cold has disconnected for some time. What will I do? Why I am talking to myself? I don't know.

[Suddenly Robin Feels a vibration. It was his phone, he pickups his phone and answer it.]

Robin: Hello.

Kent: Hi. Listen Robin, one murder is coming towards Lockdown. Do you want my team to drop by...?

Robin: Kent... you are late; I am here to defeat the murderer.

Kent: What!? Don't tell me you're going to...

Robin: Yes, I am having the power badge... in any minute he will be here, and I will kill him.

Kent: No... Robin don't kill him... be different than other... different than him...

Robin: No... Kent... not this night... please forgive me...

[Robin hang up the call.

After some time...

There was someone's car blowing horn in front of robin's motorcycle...]

???: Hey! You please give me some space, so I could take my car to lockdown...

Robin: Not your car.

???: Excuse me? What do you mean?

Robin: I mean... get out of the car, Jack!

Jack: Ok, you identify me...

[Jack gets out of the car; Robin identify his old enemy... whom he arrested several times]

???: How are you Robin?... don't answer... let me guess... STILL-THE-SAME!!!

Robin: Hi jack, when did you joint Blackwand? When I met you last time, I thought you were leaving lockdown with your father.

Jack: You are right! I had left lockdown as well as my father...

[Robin Gets up from his motorcycle]

Robin: The worst night of my life includes you.

Jack: Really, does it?... I don't think so...

Robin: It was you who had taken one of the badges... and... and...

Jack: ... AND KILLED YOUR FATHER!!! Yes, I am the one. After all these years you came to know that. I never wanted to leave lockdown forever... whoever stopped me from returning I killed him, which include my own father.

Robin: Do Blackwand have the badge now?

Jack: Yes, he has the badge now... Now, you have no reason to harm me... so let's go to lockdown and have some fun... just like old days...

[Both smile at each other. Robin give a sit aside his motorcycle and give a way to jack and then, both of them sit in his car, heading towards lockdown.]

Jack: Hey, do you have something to drink, I mean anything... you know what I am talking about?

Robin: Here take this, a can of Energy booster.

[Robin gives jack the can and he gulps it down.]

Jack: I wasn't talking about energy drink but its fine. Do you think... we could be friends again? More like partners in crime?

Robin: I think so...

Jack: Then have some of these sodas, which I have stolen after I stole the car.

[Jack gives Robin the can of soda which he drinks, and Robin starts to feel dizzy and unfortunately, he faints.]




*Robin manor, 08:15 a.m.*

[Robin suddenly wakes up; he finds Max sitting beside him with Jessica and Kent. He recalls his memory; he finds out that he was betrayed again by is frenemy... or mostly enemy...]

Robin: Where am I?

C.O.L.D.: Sir, it's our home.

Robin: How I came here?

Kent: We found you...

Robin: In a stolen car?

Jessica: No, on the side of a road, wounded, unconscious, but still... alive.

Kent: We don't know where your badge is...

Robin: Yes, mission successful.

Max: Robin! Have you lost it? He is having the badge!!!

Robin: The Fake one...

Jessica: What!?

Robin: yes... the fake one... C.O.L.D.!!! have you done the task?

C.O.L.D.: Yes, sir, as you have told me that, "YOU HAVE TO SEND A CURRENT TO THE FAKE BATCH SHARP AT 11:59, AT ANY COST"

Robin: Good...

[No one in the room was able to understand what had happened except Kent. He framed the whole story; Robin had given Jack the fake badge]

Kent: Wait a minute? Did you just?

Robin: I gave him a drink which would have made him unconscious and then the badge would have paralyzed him for few hours.

Jessica: So, it was the fake badge?

Robin: Yea!

Max: Get Ready, Robin we have to go to school, too.

Robin: Yes...

Kent: Kids, I'll drop you to school. That's the least thing I could do.

Max: Thanks for that uncle, but I have a car...

Kent: Who are you calling an uncle...? I am the head of underground lockup...

Robin: ...I think we should leave; we are getting late; Kent will drop us.


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