Part 3

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The air in the locker room was light, a clear indication that the patrol day wound up being an easier one for the 20-squad. The team traded stories - Luca and Tan raving about a food truck they stopped by for lunch, Chris jokingly complaining about having to listen to Deac talk her ear off about Annie and the kids. Hondo and Street seemed to have the most exciting day, finding themselves in a rather tense high speed chase with a high profile drug lord S.W.A.T has been after for months. 50-Squad was on the case but, as the suspect fled the scene, Hondo and Street happened to be in the right place at the right time.

"I don't know what made me think it was a smart idea to let the kid drive, but boy did I sign myself up for a ride," Hondo teased.

"Hey!" Street started, arms humorously outstretched as he pointed to himself. "This kid's driving got us that jackass drug lord. I think I should get some credit for that one."

Hondo chuckled. "Yeah, while I'm at it, let me add the credit for you almost giving me whiplash with that first turn you made!"

"Ahh, but what's that saying you taught me, Hondo? Almost doesn't count unless we're talking about horseshoes and hand grenades," Street witted with a raised eyebrow and a head tilt toward his Sergeant.

"And shit fights," Tan and Chris added in unison as they shuffled through their lockers.

Happy to have them on his side for this one, Jim proudly pointed at his teammates before repeating, "And shit fights."

Hands up in the hair, Hondo admitted defeat. "Alright, alright. Glad to see you that y'all actually listen to me sometimes," he started as he held one strap of the backpack he swung over his shoulder and made his way to the door. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," he offered with an easy smile.

Knowing his teammate all to well, Deacon looked at his watch and shot a curious look Hondo's way. "You're out pretty early today, Hondo. Not used to seeing you rush out of here so fast," he teased. David wasn't one to pry for information, but he did want to bust his friend's chops a little bit.

Hondo's smile widened. "It's a good day when S.W.A.T's schedule doesn't ruin personal plans, am I right?" Deacon let out a short chuckle and nodded in agreeance. "Enjoy your night, guys." Hondo double tapped the door frame before disappearing from the locker room.

Deacon, eager to spend time with his family, took off second. Tan followed soon after, making sure to get in one last quip toward Street about his bologna incident that morning. Chris was ready to go pretty quick, but stayed behind to wait for Luca and Street.

"You stopping by tonight, Chris?" Luca asked, sliding is backpack over his shoulder.

Chris swung her car key around her finger as they waited for Street to finish up. "I was thinking about it. If you guys are down, I'll come hang out for a bit."

Luca smiled wide. "We're always down, you know that! Whenever princess over here is ready we can get out of here."

Chris let out a breathy laugh as she watched Street roll his eyes at Luca. "Dude, this is the first time you were ever ready before I was," he spoke, grabbing his helmet from the shelf and shutting his locker. Luca chuckled, leading the way as the three of them left HQ.


"First things first," Chris spoke as she stepped into the house, Street and Luca following suit. "I'm absolutely starving." Dropping her bag in it's usual spot by the door, she headed toward the kitchen.

"I'm right there with you," Street chimed in. Glancing over his shoulder, Jim watched as Luca retreated to his room. Knowing his roommate's daily routine, he knew they would have a few minutes before he walked back out.

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