im scared...

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{ this is a human au inks 21, and error is 24, and inks backstory is simalar to his regular, along with error. TW: mention of rape, and depression, and possibly others. cursing will be through out the entire story. enjoy!! -zakoda}

errors pov

things with my wife arnt going well, we have been in a new town after finding out her father had been murderd, and i thought it was safer. but shes been distant latly, and she isnt the same, im at home right now, its around noon. and ink gets of at 12:15 so im currently waiting for, im on my phone when i hear the door open. its 1245 now, she doesnt own a car, so she walks. so herr tardeness was alright, " hello love, how was work?" i ask standing up and walking towards her, as she puts her stuff down on the table by the door. "mmh? oh hello, dear. it was was your day?" she said walking to the kitchen, me following, she didnt seem to good,she looked down, and upset. " it was very boaring without you, and...are you sure your ok?" i ask wallking up to them and hugging them from behind, while she gets a cup and fills it with water. "....yes im fine, im just ganna take a shower ok, ill sttart lunch when im done ok?"  she said as she put a hand on my face, her nails looked very red, i grabbed them, she looked at me and pulled her hand away, "kiki, whats wrong?" i ask turning her around. " nothing love, im ganna go take that shower. ill be out soon, i love you" she said as she walked out of the kitchen, i followed as she went up the stairs, i stayed down stairs. 'somethings not right....' i thought to myself. i know your not allowed to snoop in a womans purrs but i needed answers. and as soon as i opend her bag, there were bloody tissues everywhere in the bag. and as her husband that got be concerd, i headed upstairs and went to the door of the bathroom, all you can here was the shower water, and crying. no...more like sobbing. i wanted to barge in but i cant just do that, ill have to see what i can do after she gets out.

[inks out of the shower]

she walked down stairs and sat next to me on the couch, she leaned her head on my shoulder.... " hey love?"  i here her call, i look down to her, she wasnt looking at me, "yes?" i say wrapping my arm around her. " i....want to move back home.."  she said, sounding scared and upset, i moved my body faceing her, she sat up not makeing eye contact. " what? why? i thought you liked it here?" i said, weve been here for almost 2 mounths and this only started a week and a half ago. " just....i.." she said not finishing, she looked at me and back down to the floor. "ink, love whats wrong?" i said pulling her into a hug. " i-i c-cant t-tell you" she said as she began crying. " you can to tell me anything kiki, please, i..i want to help. but i cant if you wont tell me" i say, she has had problems like this before. her past was not a good one, another reson why we moved. after about 2 minutes of her crying into my chest, she slowed the crying and got up, she went to her purse and grabbed her notebook. she only does this when theres a seriuse problem. she doesnt like speaking out lound about things that make her uncomfertable, so she has a notebook, she carries to comunicate with. she bagan shakeing as she grabbed the pen and walked back and sat next to me. she was sitting a full set away, " its ok love take your time" i say giving a symathetic look, she nodded and began wrighting. it took a couple minutes but she was finished. " i dont want to be in here while you read it, i-ill be in the sorry" she said handing me the note book and walking into the kitchen. i open to the page she wrote in and began reading, feeling anxouse...

error, love....

im,,,,so so so so sorry, i didnt tell you this sooner, i tried stopping it i promise, i was to week though, like i always am. i... have a coworker, named dust...and it was about a week ago when he began to....flirt with me and.......touch me, i....didnt know what to do, i told him to stop but he didnt, and today he pushed it to far.... error....i loe you with all my heart......this man touched me, down there, and forced himself on me. i couldnt do anything, i tried to stop him i really did! but i couldnt stop him. im sorry.....i love yoou so much....

i finished reading with tears in my eyes, i could here ink crying, i was so heartbroken i dont understand why she didnt tell me this sooner. i want to murder this guy, i really can but i wont for inkys sake. i get up and walk to the kitchen, ink was sitting in the corner sobbing, she had her knees to her chest, and her back againts the wall,she had a hand on her head. i walk over to here, and sit next her, i pullled her to a hug rubbing small circles on her back. "we'll fix. ok, we'll fix" i said kissing her on the head and calmed her down.
"it will be ok"

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