✞ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑. ¹

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❝ i swear pretty girl

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i swear pretty girl.

well. it's for real this time.

there you were, sitting in your new high rise apartment. boxes scattered all over the wooden floors of the living room and your room. you had already spent your first night in your new home and relaxing would be an understatement to put it simply. the peace and moving at your own pace was much different than your parents house. moving to new york with your best friend nila was probably one of the best decisions you made.

your phone vibrated repeatedly on the white bedside table making you groan and peel your self away from the comfortable bed. rubbing your eyes and yawning, you grabbed your phone and checked the message previews.

i know this girl is not still asleep...
22 more messages

naila 💕!
BITCH, call me rn!!!

deciding to tell your sisters you would update them tonight, you facetimed your best friend. after 2 rings, naila picked up the phone with her face close to the camera. "girl back up." you said while making your way to the bathroom. "well good afternoon to you too y/n!" she said.

"afternoon?" you grimaced after looking at the time. "oops, my bad. in my defense, i was up all night tryna buy stuff off of amazon for my place." she shuffled around before setting her phone up. "ok but what did you have to tell me?" you put your hair up and went to change clothes.

"right, that. so i was out going to buy us food!and i met this guy in the lobby. his name was like connie i think. so he was like, i'll walk you to the place. and i was like ok cool because he was so fine. aft-"

"what do you mean by fine naila because your type is a bit... questionable." naila rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "bye, he is fine as hell and he's funny. i'm about to send you is instagram." you walked to the living room and sat on the couch. "alright, i'll look at it later but continue your story."

"right so after we talked and shit, he told me about this birthday party that him and his best friend were having. it starts at 8 so i'll be over tonight at like 7 to help you find something to wear."

"it's crazy how we haven't even been out here for more than 36 hours and you're already getting us invited places." naila narrowed her eyes at the screen. "ok and? it's not like we moved here to stay at home." her screen went on pause and your best friend let out a small sound. "don't forget i'm coming at 6! i'll see you later big head!"

before you could think of a slick response, she hung up. you put your phone down and made your way to the kitchen to eat.


muffled music could be heard from the outside as you and naila approached the airbnb. she texted connie, telling him that you two were at the door. the door opened and a boy with a LA cap stepped out with a smile on his face. "YUH! hey future girlfriend." connie opened the door and looked at you. "future girlfriends bestie."

you smiled at him. "hey connie!" he talked a little more as he led you two inside of the house. "alright, so i don't want y'all to be all shy and shit so just get somethin to drink and come to the living room. that's where most of my crew is anyways." you two nodded and pushed your way through sweaty bodies to the kitchen.

people sat on the counters making out and singing along to the music. naila fixed the two of you cups mixed with coca-cola and some sweet ass liquor. she grabbed your hand and led you to the living room.

the group looked like they were in an intense party game. connie motioned for naila to come sit by him. still holding your hand, she brought you to sit next to her. on the other side of you sat a boy with his hair in a loose bun. he nodded his head to you and took the blunt out of his mouth. after blowing out smoke, he held the blunt out for you to take.

"this isn't like.. laced or anything right?" he chuckled at you and shook his head. "nah, i swear pretty girl." you bit the inside of your cheek to contain the smile that was making it's way to your lips and took the blunt from him.

"so connie, who's the fresh meat?"

"so connie, who's the fresh meat?"

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A/N: i hope y'all enjoyed :)

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A/N: i hope y'all enjoyed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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