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Me: hey guys! Welcome back! I've got good news and bad news. The good news is Sting is alive! The bad news is he's still annoying
Sting: what does that mean?!? *tick mark appears*
Me: quiet you *flicks him*
Sting: oww
Erza: she barely touched you
Rogue: you did give him quite the beat down yesterday
Erza: he destroyed my cake
Me: annnyyyyywwaaayy let's continue! Sting you're up
Sting: fine...um...Rogue truth or dare
Rogue: truth
Me: *mutters* wimp
Sting: wimp. Um...how do you feel about Lady Minerva
Me: *scoffs* why do you call her 'lady'? Erza is more of a lady than that creature. She has no respect for human life and only cares about winning. She is the worst person I have ever had to listen to
Sting: ...the question was for Rogue
Me: I know but I had to get that out of my system
Rogue: well...I will agree with Pippi, she doesn't really respect others nor does she care about them but she is probably Sabertooth's strongest Mage and it is hard to argue with her.
Minerva: oh? Is that so?
Me: Great what the heck are you doing here?
Minerva: I came to find Sting and-
Me: hush. Minerva, sweetie, nobody likes you, leave now before all of Fairy Tail wipes you from existence
Minerva: excuse me? And who are you?
Me: none of your bloody business!
Sting: M-m'lady!
Rogue: d-did you hear that?!
Minerva: yes, Rogue, I heard what you said and it is my business
Me: ha! No it's not! I don't tell people who I am unless I feel they deserve to know me and YOU don't deserve that
Sting: Pip...don't get her mad
Me: no, I wanna get her mad, I'd like to see first hand what she's made of *sneers*
Minerva: oh, so your name is Pip then? Well, I'd gladly fight you
Me: one: Minerva, you have no right to call me Pip, and two: let's go, one on one! I'm gonna take you down!!
Minerva: *mocking* oh? Is the little girl angry
Minerva: *cackles*
Me: alright, let's go! *attacks*
~a few hours later~
Me: *victorious* ha! In your face Minerva!
Sting: Pip actually beat her...she actually won against Minerva
Rogue: t-that's not possible
Mira: half of the city is frozen though...
Me: hehe oops
Minerva: *grunts and slowly begins to get up* you insolent little brat
Me: *mocking* now now, what kind of language is that. I thought you were a queen
Minerva: how dare you!
Me: *ignoring her* is anyone else hungry?
Sting: how can you think about food!?
Me: I'm hungry. Can you blame me?
Rogue: 😰
Mira: the magic council won't like this
Me: oops...
Makarov: what...happened....?
Me: um...Minerva started it!
Minerva: what?! You brat! I will show you the power of Sabertooth
Me: M-master! She threatened me and then attacked me! I didn't even say anything!
Everyone except Minerva and Makarov: 😅😅😅
Makarov: how dare you threaten one of my children
Minerva: I never did any of that! She is lying!
Me: *devious cackling* leave truth or dares for me, the guild and the twin dragons of Sabertooth! Sayonara Minna!
Minerva: who are you talking to? And what about me?!
Me: shut up ya spoiled princess. The chapter is over, stop talking and leave

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