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“Unnie, be strong. It's not your fault so don't blame yourself, okay", I said as I passed her some tissues.

Chayoung Unnie is blaming herself for the death of bereaved families. Earlier we went to the police station to file a case that they didn't kill themselves. But they kept claiming that it was a sucide. Babel must have done this.

We cannot get emotional right now instead we need to focus on our plan to bring Babel down.

I walked near the roasted sweet potatoes stall when I saw Zo and Unnie there.

“Continue, I'm here to eat some sweet potatoes", I said.

“Whoever, you are going to catch, give me the last blow", I heard Chayoung saying.

“Sure", Zo replied.

“Let's go now", I said.

We were going to get those police officers which were bribed by Babel to get all the evidence.

“Tsk Tsk Tsk, What will happen to this world if these corrupted police exist?", I said which startled those police.

“What are you people?", One of those said.

“I can't smell legitimate money but I'm awfully good at smelling bad money?", Zo said as he took the money from them and throwed them.

“And Zo, Babel is unexpectedly loyal about paying these guys this quickly", I said.

Zo took their bag as they tried to pick up the money which was on the ground now. One of them tried to attack Zo but he managed to Dodge.

Now Zo was hitting that man. The other one tried to help him but I got into the middle and hit him on his leg.

After a while both were taken to the construction site.

They finally got up.

“We are police. You can't do anything like this", one of the police said.

“Didn't you told us to do whatever we want yesterday?", Zo said.

I kicked their chair towards the edge which made them scream. While Zo kicked a stone which to a moment to fall on the ground to scare them.

“What the hell do you want?", The police shouted.

“Give us every document related to the murder case of those families", Zo said but they were telling that it is not possible.

I kicked them again which caused them to reach nearer to the edge.

“We'll do that", they shouted.

“Also make sure that you resign from your work after that", I added.

“Then how will we live", they replied.

“This won't work, Unnie it's your chance", I said as Chayoung Unnie made an entry with her brand new shoes.

She kicked them too.
And finally they agreed.

I was at Jipuragi law firm looking through the documents while Zo went to meet Mr. Cho.

I heard my phone buzzing.

“Luca, it's been a while", I talked in Italian.

“Yes, Ms. Cassano"

“Did something happened?"

“Yes, I called Mr. Consigliere but he didn't pick up"

“What's the matter, Luca?"

“Someone is asking around about you guys"


“I don't know but he is korean"

“Okay, take care of yourself. Byee"

“You also Ms. Cassano", he said as he hung up.

I know who it is....

I informed Zo about it.

Chayoung Unnie was sleeping at Zo's place for today and God knows why.

I entered my house as I heard sound of water flowing. I saw Hanseo doing dishes.

I hid myself and suddenly hugged him from behind.

“What happened to you? You are doing this things alot nowadays", I asked him.

“There are so many things happening in the company"

“Anyways I'll do the remaining dishes, come here", I said as I patted on the sofa.

He sat beside me as I settled my head on his shoulder.

“Oppa, aren't you afraid?"

“About what?"

“About yourself. You definitely got on the bad side of Babo by dating me"

“It's okay. You are with me now and that's all matters for me"

“Oppa actually.... I have installed a GPS tracker on this necklace", I said while pointing the necklace I gave him“But, I did that for an emergency. I swear I never tracked down your location. If you want to remove it you can"

“Aniya, it's okay. But can I install that in your one too? I'm really anxious about you. Babo is really pissed off nowadays", he said.

“Arraseo, now let's stop talking about work and eat", I said.

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