{Chapter Four}

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|Hello Guys! Today we have a new chapter!! Thank you for 135 reads. Its means much to me and I'm glad you all like this story!
So I will continue this story. By the way, If you ask why I always have hxh photos here it's because I watch it rn, and I make random screen shots! :)|

Izuku POV:
I'm outside of the u.a dorms and check with the camera with my phone if my eyes aren't red and puffy. A little bit, so I think of things I like to make myself a bit better. 'Uhm.. what do I like? Katsudon... Training... Friends.. Kacchan.. Kacchan.. W-wait KACCHAN?' I feel my face heat up and I look back at the camera in my phone. I'm completely red! I smile a little and got inside of the building. "Hey Midobro!" I hear behind me when I take my red shoes off. My face dropped as I think of him. What's with everyone talking behind me? I turn around and see Kirishima. "H-hey Kirishima-Kun.!" I said stuttering a little. The red haired boy looked at me and asked "Are you okay? You kinda look pale" "O-oh I'm fine hahaha.! Nothing to worry about!!" I hope he believes me with that. "Uhh Okay?" He asked not completely sure. "I'm going to my dorm now bye.!!" And I walk straight past him to the elevator. 'Phew.. That was close. I walk out of the small room and see Todoroki-Kun standing in front of my door. "Hello Midoriya." "H-hey Todoroki-Kun!" "Are you ready?" Shoto asked to the green haired boy. "Yeah I just need to change in some other clothes!!" I said quickly and walked into my dorm room. I closed the door and walked to my closet. I took off all of my clothes and looked in mirror inside of the closet. I was under the hickeys.. I need to cover them up, sadly there all over my body.. I grab a t-shirt with long sleeves and some jeans. I put on some clean boxers and then the rest on my clothes. I grabbed some foundation I ever got from the girls in my class when they did my make-up. I putted it on my neck and removed the places, 'yeah this will work out..'

I walked out of my dorm room and looked at the red and white haired boy. "You took long." He said with no expression on his face. "O-oh yeah sorry!! Where do you wanna go?" I asked. "Maybe the new cafe some streets further?" He asked me. "Sure, I guess.." I sign and start walking to the elevator with Todoroki-Kun. He pressed the button and we got downstairs, I saw that there where more people then when I entered the building. Asu- I ment Tsu walked up to us and asked "Where are you guys going?? *ribbit*" with a frown on her face. "Oh where going to eat something.!" I answered her question. "Ooh like a date??" She asked and her face lit a little up. I looked at Todoroki and he said "yes, like a date maybe." "Yeah the best friends date!" I said with my last bit of confidence. I putted out a fake smile and said bye to Tsu-Chan.

Katsuki POV:
I was talking with shitty hair until I saw Deku, he was with that Icy-hot basterd again. 'Ugh' They probably like each other.!! I wish Deku loved me.. Wait why am I thinking THIS?! He sucks and should stay away from me!! He kinda looks different.. but I just couldn't see what so I letted it go. "BAKUGOU" someone screamed in my ear. "WHAT THE HELL YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I screamed angrily against Kirishima. "You zoned out , Bakugou. I said your name three times" "Tch Whatever" I said, calming a little down. "So what where you thinking about?~" The red hair said teasingly, he knew that Bakugou had a crush on Midoriya. Even before Katsuki knew. The way the angry boy looked at the freckled boy. It was different from everyone else, he looked calm and actually happy to him. Well more like in love! "NOTHING SHITTY HAIR!!" I screamed at him. "Suureeee~" I got angry and walked away to go to my dorm. 'Ugh I hate that nerd!! I always get this weird feeling when I think or look at him, I get more nervous and have this unusual feelings in my chest. I HATE HIM!!'

With Izuku and Shoto

3rd POV:
Shoto was walking with Deku to the new cafe some streets off the dorms, although Izuku saw it as a activity to be better friends with the half and half boy. Todoroki saw it more as a date. He knew he liked Izuku since the day of the sport festival. He was impressed how the green haired boy wanted to help him instead of winning.

"Where here.!!" The freckled boy said to Todoroki.
"Looks like a cool place, let's go inside." They walk and sat on a table for two people. "So what do you wanna get?" Shoto said. Izuku din't eat breakfast this morning because of the traumatising night, so Midoriya was pretty hungry. "I-I think I want the waffles, they seem really good.!" "Okay, I'll take some bread and eggs." They both said to the waitress. "Sure, it will be ready soon!" She said bubbly and walked away. Deku was mumbling, how should he train better and harder? After like a minute Todoroki said "So how was your mom?"
Izuku said nothing and just looked at Todoroki. "Uhh?? What's wrong Midoriya? you look as that you just saw a ghost." Shoto said questionably. "O-oh nothing.!! She's doing great!!! " Deku said lying, he never got home. He just in that house. "I'm glad to hear she's okay." "A-and how's your mom?? Or siblings??" He said trying to be nice to his friend. "My mother is fine, and my siblings are doing okay too. I guess." He said with like always with not much of a expression on his face. He had a little blush on his face tho. He liked it when Midoriya talked to him with his cute face. After some time of talking a little their food came. Izuku was pretty hungry so he started with eating directly when their food came. The red and haired boy started eating as well but calmer. "Your pretty hungry huh?" Todoroki said. "Y-yeah I din't eat this morni-" he putted his hands over his mound, he din't ment to say that. Todoroki was a little satisfied with the answer, he was acting a little strange but I guess it was just because he was hungry. "It's fine, enjoy your meal" he said with a little smile. They both finished and paid for the food. They walked out and Izuku asked what they should do next, "how about we go to your dorm to watch a movie?" Deku thought a moment but agreed.

Todoroki POV:
We where at the dorms again until the girls came up to us and asked "Soooo how was the date?~" Mina said teasingly and the rest of the girls seem interested in it except Uraraka. "I-It wasn't a date Ashido-San.!! We where just hanging out!" Midoriya said nervously. I was a little disappointed what he said and looked away. "Umh Deku-Kun are we still going to study later?" Uraraka asked the green haired boy. The boy said yes and asked to me if we could go to my dorm, "sure." And we walked away.

I grabbed some snacks from the kitchen first and walked back to Midoriya. "Okay let's go." And we went to the elevator and I pressed number three. "What sort of movie do you want to see?" I asked him with a frown. He was quite until he said "It doesn't matter, wich sort of do you like.?" He answered my question with another question. "A Disney movie maybe? As kid I never watched these because of my father.." I said a little bit sad, but you couldn't notice it. "Sure!" He said with a smile and walked to my dorm room. We went in the room and I grabbed two pillows where we can sit on. I put them on the ground and sat on the left one. "U-uh??"   Midoriya asked me. "Well my bed is a sort of sleeping bag, so we can sit on this." And I patted the pillow in the right of me. He stated down and I grabbed the remote. This was my chance to make the first move.

|Hello guys! I'm done with today's chapter. :) I hope you all like it and I'm glad the other one's did too! I makes this one a little longer , if you may seen it! Any suggestions?|

Answers on my comments!!

@dominicfuerte14: I'm happy to see you like it! You're the best person I can wish for :)

@Lorde_explosion_16: Great that you like this story so far! Oh about that, this is not how I see canon him!! Its pure for the story!

@Idk12320: I'm glad you like it. :)

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