{Chapter thirteen}

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"Aha, I see. sorry for the misunderstanding, Miss Shuzenji must not have explained it yet."

There was an awkward silence in the room as Toshinori was glancing at the older woman, waiting patiently for a response.  He din't had a readable face posture to read, and that was bothering Deku a lot.

Why was he here? He knew he had to come Friday afternoon again..

Really nothing made sence again really .

As the greened haired was thinking he haired a voice talking loudly again, wich was if the thought about it- Definitely an old woman voice! So it must have been recovery girl to explain the situation

"As I informed Mr.Yagi earlier about you conditions, it is not life dangerous. But you need to rest and be watched over with. As you may ask-  You have some lung problems at the moment, you inhaled the gas that is toxic for a human body, you need to have some treatments every hour" she paused for a few seconds "So, Mr.Yagi insisted that someone needed to take care, wich I absolutely understand!"

He swallowed, and a nervous smile formed on his face "yeah.. W-what about it? I sure can go home to my mother, right?"

"Yes, we figured that out in the beginning dear. But Mr.Yagi insisted, and I mean, he was the symbol of peace. "

"Get to the fucking point already!" Katsuki growled in annoyance, who dint said anything before really..

"So, in conclusion, you're going to spend a few nights at Mr. Yagi! Your mother already agreed, so you don't have to worry about that." Recovery girl said with a smile, a finger in the air to sign for them not to talk.

All might started speaking up again, his voice seemed rather happy. Like a cat who got the cream. "You can come with me right after this, I bought some stuff, and your mother gave me some advice" He turned, but has his face still focused on Deku "I'll be waiting outside, thank you for the help, Recovery Girl" the blonde thanked the woman and left the room.

There was an awkward silence for a minute, no one said something. Just sat- or was standing.
After some seconds Bakugou broke the silence by standing up, stretching his muscles carefully and grabbing his phone (when did he drop it?)

"I guess I don't have to be here anymore."

"But- You would explain it to me, right?!" The greened whimpered,  a look on his face that described perfectly his unbelieve in the situation.

"All Might can do that, he was there so quickly he dint miss much details, so I'm useless here"
Katsuki growled, and walked to the door. God. He really was a fool, wasn't he? Why is he so angry? Oh well, he can ask All Might right? He can fucking spend his days with him, so what's the problem?

"Okay.. Bye Kacchan.! See you later!" The other teen said waving to him, a small smile appearing on his face, and Katsuki feels his face heat up. Yup, a fucking fool.

He opened the door, but stopping himself from leaving,


Izuku watched him leave in disappointment, but was still happy on the process.

"When are you ready to leave? Mr. Yagi is waiting for you outside." Recovery asked him polite, as- something happened?

"I-I'm sure I can stay at home!! My mother sure can stay home, right?? And I am 16! I can do it myself, don't worry!" Deku said with an awkward smile, trying to be nice- but sounded more desperate then friendly.

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