Part three

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I woke up cause my annoying alarm rang, I don't even start school today but I need to fix everything today so I needed to wake up early. I sat up in my bed and looked over at Payton's bed and saw him laying there, without a shirt on. He looked so he do not. I looked a while until I hear Payton say
P: do you like what you see princess
C:euw no
He giggled a bit but I just took my phone and saw that mads, charli and nessa will be here soon. I got up from my bed. I went to my closet to pick out some  clothes for today.
P: do you need some help, I have a really good sense of style.
C: sure
He went to my closet and I sat down on my bed and looked through my phone
P: Chloe
C: mhm
I said while I still looked down on my phone
I look up and see him holding my thong with a big smirk on his face. I quickly got up from my bed and tried to grab them from his hand. But he was to tall so I couldn't reach it, I tried to jump to get it but he wouldn't let me get it.
C: give it to me
P: no I want to keep them
C: definitely not
P: fine but they were sexy, I'm excited to see you in these
He putted them in my closet again
C: you will not see me in those
P: we will see about that
I rolled my eyes and plopped down on my bed
P: don't give me attitude
C: and what will you do about it asshole
He came up to me and stood between my legs, he placed his right hand on my thigh near my pussy and his left hand on my back pulling me closer to him. W were inches apart and he could definitely hear my heartbeat and my deep breath.
P: you don't want to have an attitude, or do you, is that it you want me to rail the fuck out of you.
He smirked big but I stayed quiet
He started to lean in but I quickly pushed him away from me
C: don't do that you creep
P: oh did I make you horny baby
C: no you made me want to throw up
I lied
P: keep telling yourself that
He winked and then turned around to pick out an outfit. After about 20 min he was done picking out a outfit
P: here
He gave me the clothes, I took the clothes and walked in to the bathroom to change. He picked out this⬇️

 He picked out this⬇️

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It was really good I thought to myself but it was a bit revealing, I'm never wear something this revealing but I guess I will go with it

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It was really good I thought to myself but it was a bit revealing, I'm never wear something this revealing but I guess I will go with it. I walked out of the bathroom and Payton looked at me with big eyes
P: wow you look beautiful I-I mean sexy
He blush a bit

Payton's POV
I saw her walking out of the bathroom and she was so beautiful I couldn't help myself
P: wow you look so beautiful I-I mean sexy
Fuck she can't know that I thinks she's beautiful, but she really is.
C: thanks I guess but why do you blush
P: I don't blush I'm just hot

I definitely do blushing...fuck

P: but you need to curl your hair and have some gold jewelry and it bill be perfect

She already is perfect...fuck why do I think like this, I just want to fuck her like everybody else. Or do I start being weak for her, no I can't it will destroy my reputation

C: oh okay
She walked away in to the bathroom to curl her hair I guess

Chloes POV
I walked back in to the bathroom to curl my hair and put in some jewelry.

He was blushing, but why tho? Does he think I'm beautiful? Or does he just want to get into my pants? Why do I care it's not like I care about him.

I was done and I checked the time and it was 13:20, fuck I whispered to myself. I ran out from the bathroom and took my phone who was laying on my bed. I saw Payton looking at my the whole time while I took my keys.
P: where are you going
C: meting my friend
P: nerd friends?
C: they are not nerds, stop
P: okay okay
C: bye
I ran through the door and when I was about to close the door Payton yelled
P: bye princess
I stuck my head through the gap
C: don call me that
P: okay princess
He gave me a smile while I gave him a fake smile and I closed the door and ran off it the entrance

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