[OLD] Justice Reigns Designs

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Im thinking of making DS Blue Harem but im Not sure qwq

This is where i just post the design for the DreamSwap & SwapDream CS.MT Designs and Info note that this is my own info so if u would like to change it go ahead make sure to ask first tho qwq

Also im srry if the Designs are bad-

will remake the drawing and info!

Scarlet!DS!Dream Info
-same age as og DS dream
-his very workoholic
-he has a decent relationship with his brother it means their on ok terms
-his soul is a Golden apple
-his a organization leader/boss their up against some people meaning theres enemies
-everyone admires his golden/yellow faded to black feathers
-The reason of the heart stabbed By a sword on his Wings is unknown
-he doesnt know anything bout the creatures of the sea/ocean/deep

Ye i think thats it ill Add more if i can think


-emo dude & his same age as og DS ink
-same thing as parable viles to have emotions
-scarlets right hand man and everyone knows Not to mess with him
-some people in the organization gets a weird feeling when their around or see him in general maybe its becuz he reminds them of parable!Ink :)
-a very sarcastic and likes horror and gore man
-he hates his people back at his home lets just say, somethin happened....

Ok i have no more ideas ill update it if i get more <3

!These drawings are old so is the info the Designs still the same maybe some changes in the future!

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