[OLD] (only Error Tho Srry Ill Add The Other 2 Later)

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YEETS HERES ERROR ILL DO THE OTHER 3 TOMORROW OR SOMETHIN CUZ LAZYNESS- anyway why am i talking in caps see yall later- also change the names

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YEETS HERES ERROR ILL DO THE OTHER 3 TOMORROW OR SOMETHIN CUZ LAZYNESS- anyway why am i talking in caps see yall later- also change the names

insert my hood drawing skills has improved lol-

will remake the drawing and info!

-his very kind
-same age as og DS error
-he has never been far from the beach becuz he was forbidden to do so
-his soul is Glitchy
-The scarf around his neck is very important to him the meme Squad doesnt know why nor does anyone else only DS Blue knows
-he hates DS Blue with all his existance
-expert friend escape artist aka he's a expert at makin escapes with his friends

!Name is now Aurilia anymore!

Rhizostomae is now CS.MT DS Error's name call him Rhizo for short idk ._.

!This drawing is old so is the info the Designs still the same maybe some changes in the future!

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