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Im sorry for not posting/updating this book in so long 😭 ive been busy with school for a few weeks and ive decided to take a break from drawing skeletons[it felt like i forgotten how to draw humans and atonomy cause it looks like shit] so the DreamSwap CS.MT Designs arent gonna be updated for a while, I was working on DS error's i kinda went dead on it its not even nearly finished as for ModelVerse probably dead I need to redesign them as their designs are old possibly gonna draw them as humans[your free to make them humans, skeletons or something not canon of them being human just saying] if i have the time to do so im currently drawing for a DTIYS contest i randomly decide to join on instagram and theres a DTIYS on twitter that i havent even started on yet- since its like halfway to 2 am right now later im gonna continue on part 3 of the DTIYS and then do part 4 which i dunno if i have time to do it today[i probably can since classes are suspended due to bad weather] all i know is im gonna murder my hand anyways super sorry again :') ive just been more active[i update it more than this goddamn book 😭] on my Art Dump my apologies 😅

Remaking the Bad Sanses in dresses stuff is on my remake list aswell sorry but their gonna be humans i hope you dont mind...

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