Meeting the vampire

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Lily Collins is Nila

We were at a diner somewhere in Virginia, Sam looking for a case on his laptop and dean munching on a hamburger, meanwhile I was on my phone looking up records of a place I had heard of from dad. "Sam?" "-yeah?" "I found a case." both of them looked at me confused as to how and what. "look, there's this town called Mystic Falls. I'd heard about it from dad. It's famous for it's vampire population and they're a different kind than the one we're used to dealing with. And there has been an increase in animal attacks in the last few months so I'd say the vampires are back, We just gotta find the one who's been killing people and kill it the rest are harmless." "^What do you mean the rest are harmless?" dean asked "I mean that they feed on blood bags or animal like that case in Georgia." he rolled his eyes and continued eating his fries muttering a whatever. Sam eyed me suspiciously. "What?"  "-Nothing." After finishing our lunch and paying we went over and hopped into baby. I was behind the wheel since I'm pretty good at having my way with my brothers. I turned the key and the car roared to life, I stepped on the gas and started driving to our destination, Mystic Falls. Never had I ever though that my life would forever change from then on. 


We finally arrived at Mystic Falls and went to the closest motel to settle in, I changed my clothes and handed my brothers two Vervain bracelets "keeps them out of your mind." they nodded and put them on. I grabbed a change of clothes and went into the bathroom to change. I got out of the motel room and went walking around the town, I saw a grill called Mystic Grill how pathetic. And went in. I went straight to the bar, ordering a bourbon. I heard a voice from beside me: "*Well hello beautiful." I looked to see who it was and I was stunned, Black hair, Blue orbs, chiseled cheek bones and a permanent jaw. "hello to you too hottie"  I flirted back and he smirked. I know his type, he's my brother's type, bad boy with one night stands. "*I'm Damon by the way, Damon Salvatore." my eyes went wide by the realization that he was in fact one of the vampires, I choked on my newly acquired drink and totally made a fool of myself. After a few coughs I gathered the courage to shake his hand and give him only my first name."Nila." We talked for a bit and drank quite a bit. I was becoming tipsy and that means a lot of alcohol was consumed. "*why don't we take the party to my place huh?" "I don't think so Damon, I've got my brothers waiting for me." "*Oh, brothers? I would have thought you were an only child" I chuckled and shaked my head getting up. "I have to go now I'll see you around." I went out of the grill and started walking, I felt like a shadow was following me so I started walking faster. Suddenly there he was right in front of me, Damon Salvatore in all his glory. "You know that stalking is a crime right?" "*Oh is it now?" I rolled my eyes and wanted to walk passed him but he put his hands on my shoulder, I frowned and tried to free myself  he vamped out and I injected him with Vervain.


Damon POV

I woke up tied to a chair in a room that seemed like a motel room with two pairs of green eyes staring at me. "Well hello Mr. I wanna eat you." I clenched my teeth "*you're a hunter" "^We all are, now tell me what keeps me from killing you? you tried to feed on my sister!" "chill, Dean. I'm fine." "*who are you really?"  "We're the Winchesters" "*Winchester? And what's that your nickname?" "That's our surname and you my dear are in trouble. Were you the one who killed those people last week?" "*No I'm not an idiot, I snatch, eat, erase." "Ok, so who was it?" "*Klaus" Her eyes went wide and I could tell she knew who Klaus was. "^What is it?" "We've stepped into a bad one, Klaus is an original." "^So?" "So you're no match." "*Exactly dear now if you will untie me I have something to get to." She rolled her eyes and cut me free. "*You're lucky I'm not in the mood to clean up a mess." I said And vamp speeded away.

OK so this is the first chapter the next will probably be up in a few days. Love, A.S

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