🦋Part 1🦋

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'Quand on a pas ce que l'on aime, il faut aimer ce que l'on a'

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'Quand on a pas ce que l'on aime, il faut aimer ce que l'on a'

    I am currently with the Tills as they finish packing. Well as Adaline is rushing to pack, she is such a prosecutor. "Où sont mes bottes de combat noires?" (Where are my black combat boot?) Me and Claudette sigh and shake our heads "Tu les soutiens déjà dimbo" (you already packed them dimbo) we yell at the same time. Augustin has been waiting in the car for about 20 minutes while me and Claud are waiting on Ada. We have discussed what house we wanted to be. I was alright with any house, but we all agreed that we will all probably be in Ravenclaw. All 4 of us were the tops of our classes. Our first day of Hogwarts is in days tomorrow. Dad has already picked up our supplies so we don't have to worry about that. Even though i would of loved to spend a dad with my dad before school, but i will be seeing him all year now so I have to be great-full.

Me and Tills are all fluent in the same languages. English, French and Romanian. We had to take a language class, and being we all spoke English we took Romanian.

Adaline finally comes into the room all packed and breathing heavy. She was never one for sports, that's more me and Claudette. "Enfin, nous devons y aller ou nous allons être en retard." (Finally, we have to go or we are going to be late.) i say, grabbing my wand (a black 11 inch Blackthorn wood with a Horned Serpent horn core mixed/ twisted with a Rougarou hair core. A very rare and power full wand), putting it in my pocket and with a swish of my hand her trunks are flown into the car. We will be using a Muggle invention called an airplane to get to Scotland and then apperate to my house.The Tills have met my dad once before, when they came for Christmas, and they get along alright. Claudette is the only one of age to drive so she gets into the front seat, me in the passenger seat and Adaline and Augustin in the back. We are all dresses in hoodies, I'm in biker shorts, while they are in sweats.

It takes about a 2 hour drive to get to the airport in Paris and we had to wait and hour for our flight. We woke up at 4:30 and left at 5:00 got here at 7:00, and our flight is at 8. It will take 3 hours and 50 minutes to get to Scotland. So we will get there at about 12.

    When we get on the airplane, after a long hour and we are seated I hear, "Pensez-vous qu'ils m'aimeront quand nous arriverons à Poudlard?" (Do you think they will like me when we get to hogwarts?) Augustin asks in his small shy voice. He might be 17, but he like a shy sweet 7 year old. "très certainement, et s'ils ne les font pas imma" (Most definitely and if they don't ima make them) i say and wink at him. He blushes and looks back at his book.

    Me, Adaline and Claudette are all reading the same book 'Ballet Shoes' we have read it before, but its one of most favorite. The plane ride is fulled with reading, napping, listening to music on our iPods and snacking. The first thing I want when I get home is Chocolate frogs, they are my most favorite sweet from Scotland and dad sends them, but i always run out the first week.

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