Something Else

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  • Dedicated to Kassandra Birklbauer

Chapter 1

It was a warm spring day, the birds were singing and only a few clouds were to be seen drifting lazily across the sky. Carmilla was laying back on a grassy hill when she heard running footsteps. She saw something white and furry rush by and someone behind her shouted “Stop her! She’s mine!”

Carmilla propped herself up on her elbows and looked around. The person chasing the furry thing was a woman with straggly hair and a ratty voice. Carmilla watched as the white figure dove into a patch of bushes. The woman shouted angrily and stormed back the way she came, knowing she couldn’t follow.

Carmilla got up and approached the bushes. She dropped to her hands and knees and crawled through the tiny gap. She found Stormie hugging her knees, shaking like a leaf.

“Are you alright?” asked Carmilla. Stormie nodded.

“Are you going to tell on me? Have me taken back to her?” Stormie asked

“I’d never think of such a thing. What were you doing with her anyway?”

“I don’t know. I’ve lived with her and been ordered around by her for as long as I can remember.”

“What’s your name?” Asked Carmilla


”Well you don’t have to worry about her anymore. I promise she’ll never bother you again.”

Thump. Carmilla’s eyes shoot open. Something isn’t right. She looks towards her door. Where’s the strip of light coming from the hallway? She gets up and walks to her door. Not a sound can be heard. She goes out into the corridor and looks around. She sees pale-looking faces peeking out from their rooms, not brave enough to step foot out of their rooms. Carmilla shivers as an icy wind fills the halls.

She shrugs, not wanting to alarm the already frightened faces. Suddenly, a stone-cold hand grabs her ankle and she’s yanked off her feet. She shouts in surprise as she is dragged back.

 Maniacal laughter surrounds Carmilla and all around her doors are slammed as the other werewolves hide in the safety of their rooms. Carmilla’s claws cut grooves in the stone floor as the mysterious entity keeps dragging her towards the Asylum exit. She starts screaming for someone to help her, but no-one even considers helping. The figure decides it’s had enough of Carmilla’s screaming, so it hits carmilla over the head. The world sinks into hazy darkness.

*               *               *

Carmilla comes to. Delta and Xander are leaning over her. Xander is holding a needle which is attached to an IV full of dark oozing liquid.

“She’s awake. Let’s get this demon blood transfused before we run out of time. The Night of the Bloodfeast is almost upon us, and it only comes once every thousand years,” says Delta calmly. Xander holds Carmilla’s arm tightly as he sticks the needle in.

Her mind racing, her heart thumping, Carmilla struggles to get free from Xander’s grip. She starts to feel sick to her stomach when the blood starts flowing into her veins. The demon’s blood burns like acid as it spreads all through her body. She goes to scream to find that only a strangled gasp comes out. Her temperature rises and her eyes go dull and glazed. Her back arches and as more and more blood fills her bloodstream, her canine teeth grow longer and wickedly sharp. The IV bag is almost empty.

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