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four years later...

ADMITTING it was too much for Rin to handle. After leaving Japan four years ago to move to America for school, there wasn't much time to talk to Iwaizumi over the phone nor visit him in Japan. The same was for Iwaizumi as the workload for both of them was too overwhelming, and their mental health was constantly on the decline everyday for the past four years.

But it was all worth it when Rin's heels clicked against the stage she walked across to reach the headmaster of the university she attended. Rin had a beautiful smile on her face, never once aging after these four years. She shook hands with the man who handed her the newly developed degree which was rolled up into a scroll. Rin, then, followed the rest of her classmates down the steps of the stage and stood in a line next to them, shoulders touching one another.

Overall, the graduation ceremony was beautiful. There were tears of joy and sadness coming from both the guests and the graduated students, and in Rin's case, they were both there. On one note, she was happy to have completed her bachelor's degree, but on the other hand, she sacrificed so much for her education.

Rin pulled her left hand up into view, letting the sterling silver ring on her ring finger shine in the midmorning sunlight. A small tear dropped onto the ring as she was feeling the memories come back all at once.

Luckily, the ceremony had ended, and everyone was dismissed to socialize with one another. Rin walked in the dirt covered grass, looking for her father who she thought had shown up for graduation. After searching for quite some time, Rin pulled out her phone and went to her father's contact, beginning to dial his number.

A dialtone was heard from the other end, making Rin groan and end the call. He must have gotten caught up in work to even attend which definitely bothered Rin. Nobody was here for her at her graduation, so she got all dressed up in her pretty makeup and amazing dress for nothing, at least that's what she thought.

Rin looked up from her phone when she heard some squeals coming from some of her classmates. At first, she didn't think too much of it, but taking one closer look at the cause made her freeze entirely. Four years did good justice on the boy who was walking up to Rin as a cheery smile was printed on his pink lips.

"Say now... how about I buy us drinks to celebrate the occasion?"


Rin smiled brightly and launched herself at her best friend, resulting in a hug back from the boy. Oikawa chuckled and rubbed Rin's back in a comforting way, making her smile stay persistent on her face. Rin pulled away after some time and readjusted her hat, keeping the same smile on her face.

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