Chapter. 19 Summit

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As evening time comes, y/n prepares himself to go to the leaders summit. When suddenly ruby's body started to move.

Y/n walked towards ruby's sleeping body, he then kneeled and touched her cheeks.

Y/n:"hmmm, it seems she's awake."

Suddenly the door shot opened and ana and alice kame in.

Alice:"hello y/n~"

Y/n:"hello, how was the school's family day?"

Ana:"it was fine, kinda joyous actually."

Y/n:"oh! That's good then..."

Ana:"so, how is she?"

Y/n:"she's fine, actually she's about to wake up."

Ana:"oh is she?"

Suddenly, ruby slowly moves up.



Y/n:"hello ruby..."

Ruby:"master who are they..."

Y/n:"these two are ana and alice, they will be the one's you will be helping..."

Ruby:"i see,So im they're protector?"

Ana:"h-hey you don't have to do that.."

Y/n:"it's ok ana, this is her purpose let her do it... Plus your still gonna have to teach her..."

Ana:"oh, ok but i don't want to see her working too much ok."

Y/n:"you got it, now i must be off."

Ana:"where are you going?"

Y/n:"im gonna go to kuoh academy.."

Alice:"why there?"

Y/n:"let's just say, I was invited."

Ana&alice:"ok then.."

Y/n:"i leave ruby to you two..."

The two then nodded, y/n then went to kuoh academy.


Sona:" what took you so long?"

Y/n:"I'm sorry, something happened."

Sona:"ok, anyways the summit has already started."

She said then walked beside y/n.

Sona:"would you like some tea?"

Y/n:"hmm, yes please..."

Sona then went to the student council to grab some tea, few minutes later she came back and gave y/n a bottle of tea.

Sona:"sorry that's the only thing i could find."

Y/n: its fine, anyways what are they talking about now? "

Sona:" they're probably talking about peace between the factions. "

Y/n:" hmm, that's good. "

Suddenly y/n felt as if the world around him stopped.


Y/n looks at sona, as she was frozen in time. He then waves his hand in front of sona then grabs hold of her hand.

Suddenly sona unfroze.

Sona:"wha-what happened?"

Y/n:"it seems trouble really did come, rias's bishop has been taken hostage and is using some sort of power to stop time."

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