Hes hands pt.1

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Danny has been very distant lately,you honestly didn't know why.He hasn't been over in about 2 weeks.You two used to be so close,maybe you grew apart.You hope that's all.
As your about to text him,your mind wonders.
What if he's cheating.What if he doesn't even want me anymore,and this is he's way of moving on.
You put your phone down,not even sending the text.
You just keep thinking about what's wrong,what did you do?What did you say?He hasn't even tried to call or text you.
You begin to cry over all these thoughts.

You fall asleep after a while.
Then your awoken by Danny.You jump up and look at him.

Y/n:What the fuck.
Danny:Sorry,didn't mean to scare you.
Y/n:No,I mean what the fuck are you doing here?
Danny:I came to see you.
Y/n:After 2 weeks?
Danny:Has it really been 2 weeks.
Y/n:Danny,just,Get out.I'm tired.
Danny:I said ,no.
Y/n:It wasn't a choice.

After you said that,Danny's pinning you to the bed.He starts kissing your neck down to your chest.


You really didn't want him to,but he needs to explain what happened before he does anything.
You managed to push him off.

Y/n:Danny.What the hell?
Danny:Iv missed you.
Y/n:You don't have to miss me,you could've came seen me way sooner.
Danny:I know but...
Y/n:You know what,I don't even want to hear it.The out come might be worse then I imagine.
Danny:What?What did you think?
Y/n:I don't know,maybe cheating?Breakimg up with me in the worst way possible.
Danny:Oh,god no.That's not what I was doing.I swear.
Danny:I went on a trip with my mom.And you know how she is.

At this point you couldn't help but yell at him.He just left you to think the worse things possible,and he's mom?Hes never mentioned going on trips with her until now.Why should you believe this?

Y/n:Whatever.Just go.Just get out.

Danny,once again has you pinned down.

Danny:Let me make up for those 2 weeks.

He says pulling up your shirt.You try to move but can't.He's hands begin to wonder your body.Squeezing your hips and down to your thighs.

Danny:I'm sorry.

You look at him.Your still pissed.Or maybe your just really horny.Who the hell knows at this point.
You two stayed in that bed for the next 8 hours.
(Nasty little bitches;)

You fall asleep on he's chest.He plays with your hair while smiling.He kisses the top of your head.

Danny:I love you,princess.

He's handsWhere stories live. Discover now