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"I'm in love with you Seokjin, I've always loved you," she says, heat rushing to her face as she watches him shyly.

The silence she's met with is stifling, he levels her with a wide-eyed stare. Slowly, it morphs into a glare, one that makes her stomach sink in despair as hatred seeps into those beautiful black eyes.

Her mind is racing with anxious thoughts despite her attempts to control them. Why is he looking at her like that? What did she do wrong? Did he not return her feelings?


"Shut the fuck up" he spits, venom laced in each word.

She's stunned silent, heart cracking at his tone of voice.

"Why?" comes his voice, pain, and fear evident in it. She didn't understand, couldn't he see? Could he not see her feelings plain as day in front of him?

"WHY!?" He screams making her flinch back in fear

"I-I don't understand" she begins as she inches closer to him slowly as not to trigger his unpredictable behavior.

"I did this for you" she half whispers "don't you like it?".

At that, his eyes harden. "You killed Mina?" he says voice cracking at her name.

Why was he crying over her? She was dead, she could never do something like this for him, why was he so upset? Couldn't he see her love plain as day splayed out in the display she worked tirelessly day and night for him to see?

"I did this because I love you," she says voice coming out louder than intended.

" me?!" he screams voice laced with incredulity. "You killed someone to show me your love?".


There's another silence, one that's ironically loud, she hates it. She wants to hear him speak, needs him to understand how much she loves him.

"You're fucking insane" comes his voice, low as if talking to himself.

The words hit her like a slap to the face. "Wha-" she begins only for him to rush towards her, startling her. "You're a psycho!!" he hollers as his body slams into hers hard, they topple to the floor. Her head smacks painfully against the concrete ground, for a split second her ears ring loudly and the room spins in a haze of nauseating colors.

He straddles her waist, holding her in place before placing his hands around her throat. Her breath is cut short, she isn't able to fight back from how tight a hold he has on her.

Why!!? she wants to scream as tears pool out of her eyes.

Tears fall from his own eyes, sliding down his beautiful porcelain skin. His hands tighten around her neck, it's becoming harder to see, black dots begin to swirl in her vision.

I thought... I thought you would love me too.

Her head is pounding from the pressure, she can't move. Images of his hand in hers play out in her mind, the way he once smiled so brightly at the sight of her.

You're just like him, you're all the same. she thinks painfully as her eyes begin to slip shut.

The last thing she registers before losing consciousness is his weight being lifted off of her body. His hands are no longer around her neck, everything falls dark.





Jolting up with a gasp her heart is pounding in her chest as she chokes violently. Heaving for air her head is swinging as she attempts to catch her breath. There's a hand rubbing her back soothingly, she's too weak to take notice of who it is until she hears that familiar voice humming in her hear.

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