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"She... it's..." Scorpio struggled to find the words, his mind was cluttered with spare thoughts and feelings. His stomach seemed to churn.

"It's Aquarius... she's missing." Vega revealed, "She must've snuck out the night before... or someone kidnapped her. Both seem just at likely."

According to his tablet, Aquarius never even left the cave, but that's impossible because she followed them to the inn. Now, her trace was completely gone. Meaning it must've been broken because it doesn't show up anywhere so it wasn't stolen.

A broke tracker was big trouble. Aquarius could've been hurt and Scorpio was well aware of that.

Something in Libra fell apart as he broke the news. A weight seemed to set deep in her core. Her bottom lip quivered, "W- what do you mean... how?"

Capricorn and Virgo came rushing in, soaking in the tension that haunted the room. Capricorn rested his hands on his knees, as Virgo placed a hand on his back.

"We did some investigating... she wasn't kidnapped. It's impossible." Virgo said with regret in her voice.

"I still don't get it..." Gemini breathed, "Why would she leave..."

Capricorn stood straight up, his hair messy and his voice exhausted, "I know she wanders off but I doubt it would be during a mission that was this important."

Scorpio glanced around the room, how could they be so calm? Unless he was simply overreacting. Sagittarius zipped up her suit, "That's the thing. We don't know."

"Well, we can't just guess!" Scorpio snapped. He felt blood rushing in his ears as his pulse continued to rise.

Aries grabbed him by the shoulder, his firey eyes piercing him, "Panicking is not going to help us. We may not be able to think like her but we can think of something she may think of."

Virgo bit her nails, hesitantly raising her hand. She spoke as if she was being held at gunpoint, "I- I have an idea..."

The crowd turned to her, waiting for Virgo to spill her almighty wisdom.

"There's probably a lot of Celestials, just like us. They could be wandering around Quinst..."

Taurus seems to elate with joy. From ear to ear her smile spread, "Virgo, you're a genius! We can find a Celestial with clairvoyance and find Aquarius that way!"

Virgo stood completely stunned as Taurus hyped up the rest of the team. Scorpio seemed to relax his shoulders and they all went to work. She hesitantly nodded.

"Don't worry guys, this is only a minor setback," Vega reassured them. Once the bunch had the means to make it to the road, Vega pulled out his tablet, which was the only one that wasn't stolen. He requested a new set of knives and filled the Keeper in on what happened.

"Why can't the Keeper just get Aquarius for us?" Leo inquired.

"She's conserving her power," Vega said, leading them down a dark alleyway. Virgo's intuition wasn't favoring this scenario.

"That's code for she isn't listening." Gemini sarcastically remarked. That was only half true. The Keeper had a responsibility as the goddess to have enough power to restore the heart.

The damp alleyway began to reek of a pungent alchemical stench. It was foreign to any of their noses, besides Vega. The white flecks of light that managed to slip through the thick clouds illuminated the slim path. Vega's shoulders seemed to perk up as he guided them to a burly, black metal door.

"My friend Claire runs a bar around here," he was almost squealing excitedly.

Capricorn's eye twitched, "Her name is... Claire? Claire the Clairvoyant?"

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