Chapter 31

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Having been gone for a little over half an hour, I was beginning to wonder if Kyle was coming back or if he had left me here all alone in the middle of nowhere. Trying my best to not jump at every sound I heard, it did startle me when I heard a loud noise coming from behind the truck. Turning around, I saw a large black tow truck moving slowly over the hills that Kyle and I had just hours earlier. Seeing him in the passenger seat of the truck, I was thankful that we were going to finally get out of here.
Getting closer, he opened the passenger door and jumped down, tapping on the window for me to unlock it. Pulling the lock up, he leaned inside...."I found us a guy that says he can get us out of here in no time flat," he said, as he reached for the keys in the ignition.
Nodding, I didn't say anything, but simply turned away and looked out the window as I saw a middle aged man with thinning hair and a belly that protruded over his pants with a cigarette dangling from his mouth making his way out of the driver's side of the truck.
"Look, I'm really sorry that this happened today. I know you're upset with me and I didn't expect this to happen. I want you to know I'm really sorry Gabi."
Again, I nodded, "It's okay Kyle, let's just get out of here please. I have to call Scotty and let him know what's going on."
Leaning against his truck, he smiled, "Yes ma'am, but you see I need you to get out of the truck so he can hook up to the lift. That is, unless you want to ride in the truck back to the mechanic shop."
Studying him for a minute, I said nothing, but opened the passenger door, slamming it shut behind me as I walked to the other side, crossing my arms against my chest. Standing there, I still said nothing, but simply watched as this middle aged man who had the name Craig printed on his shirt lifted the truck on to the lift.
Nudging my shoulder, Kyle whispered, "I'm sorry but it looks like we are gonna have to ride in the cab with him on the way back to town," he said as he started making his way towards the truck, motioning for me to get inside.
Shaking my head, I grabbed on to the door and lifted myself into the truck, sitting in the middle, between Kyle and this stranger named Craig...."Whatever will get us back to town sooner," I said as I watched him get in beside me and shut the passenger door.
After Craig had secured the truck tightly with straps on the lift, he opened his driver's door and crawled in beside me. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled a cigarette out of a pack and clutched it between his teeth as he twisted the key in the ignition.
Looking towards Kyle, I said nothing, but simply cleared my throat, studying his eyes and then turned away, looking straight ahead and out the windshield.
As if he could read my thoughts, he leaned forward, propping his arm against the glove box....."Hey man, excuse me, but would you mind not lighting that cancer stick in front of my friend here? You see, she's pregnant, and the second hand smoke is not the best thing for her."
Studying him for a minute, he said nothing, and I thought that he was going to kick us out right there and still take Kyle's truck, leaving us out here all alone. Then, he surprised me, as he pulled the cigarette from his mouth, and slipped it back inside the pack in his pocket, not saying anything, but simply backing up and heading back towards town.
After we had been on the road for a few minutes, I looked towards Kyle, "So umm what are we gonna do when we get back to the mechanic shop? We are still going to be stuck without a way to go."
"Yeah you're right, I didn't think about that," he paused and looked towards Craig, "Hey man, do you mind taking us to my friend's house and then I'll get my dad to come with me to get my truck from your yard."
Pulling up at a red light, he nodded, "Just tell me where to turn, but since it's out of the way, it's going to cost you another twenty."
Kyle laughed, "Sure thing man, it will just help us out a lot. Take a left at this next red light and then you'll have to drive quite a piece, but then I'll tell you where to turn."
Accelerating forward, he continued driving, and I found myself looking towards Kyle. When I was freaking out on the inside, he seemed calm, cool, and collected and I wondered if this was how he always acted. Feeling my eyes on him, he turned to me and smiled, causing me to look away as we continued towards my house.
After our dinner at the Bistro, which was nothing less than amazing, Austin and I retreated back to our room. Popping the cork on the complimentary wine bottle that was provided to us when we arrived, he poured two glasses and handed one to me as he joined me in the bed.
Sweeping a strand of loose hair from my eyes, he smiled at me, not saying anything but looking deeply into my eyes...."You're so beautiful Ashley."
Feeling my cheeks flush, I looked away and then back at him, "Austin, what is this all about?"
"What do you mean?," he said, caressing my cheek with his index finger
I smiled, sitting up straighter in the bed, "It's just, we have been together for three years and we've never done anything like this before. Don't get me wrong, it's great, I'm just curious, that's all."
Propping himself up with his elbow, he sat his wine glass on the night stand and then he took mine and did the same, pulling me close to him...."Like I said, it's a new year and it's time for new experiences."
I nodded, laying my head on his chest, making small circles with my fingers...."I love you Austin," I whispered
In a low voice, he whispered back, "I love you too Ashley."
Getting back to my house, we thanked the tow truck driver for the ride, and Kyle reminded him that he and his dad would be by to get his truck as soon as possible.
Watching as the truck backed out of my driveway, Kyle and I were left standing there alone in the driveway, and I was still not sure what exactly we were going to do. Did he expect me to take him back to his parents house? Was he going to call his dad to come and get him here? I didn't know, but I knew that he better be figuring it out soon because I knew I was hungry and when binge watching TV reruns didn't sound so exciting earlier, it was just what I wanted right now.
Shuffling his feet in the driveway, he looked towards me...."So, umm if you don't mind, can I use your cell phone to call my Dad? He can be here to get me in less than half a hour after I call him."
I nodded, pulling my keys from my purse, "Yeah sure thing, I just have to find my phone. I can't believe I left it, that's not something I normally do. I guess now is the moment of truth, to see how many times Scotty called, and to see how mad he is."
Unlocking the door, I pulled the keys out, throwing them and my purse on the nearby couch, making my way towards my bedroom to find my phone still plugged into the charger beside my bed.
Not hearing him come up behind me, he leaned against the wall, me not looking him,but instead at my phone, seeing six missed calls from Scotty and two from Ashley.
"Hey Gabi, if you want me to talk to Scotty, I can," he paused, crossing his arms over his chest, and pressing his back against the wall...."I mean, I know this isn't going to be easy to explain and I don't want him to lecture you when it's all my fault in the first place."
Looking up at him, I studied him for a moment before looking back at my phone, checking it once more for any text messages I might have missed...."You're right Kyle, this is all your fault but no thank you, I can handle Scotty on my own. Now, didn't you need to use my phone to call your Dad?," I asked, extending my arm out and handing him the phone
Nodding his head, his eyes studied mine as he took the phone from my hand, his fingers grazing mine as he did so, causing me to be a little uncomfortable.
Looking away, he started dialing the number, bringing the phone to his ear, and then looked back at me...."I'll be only a minute."
Sitting down on my bed, I nodded, and pulled my legs underneath me, "It's okay, take your time," I said, as I watched him walk back towards the living room
After a few minutes had passed, he returned, and handed me the phone back, sitting down on the bed, right at my feet....."He said he will be here in less than half a hour so I'll be out of your hair soon enough. Again, I'm really sorry about today."
Adjusting myself on the bed, I wrapped my arms around my legs...."It's over now, don't worry about it. I just hope it doesn't take a lot for your truck to get fixed. It is lunch time, do you want a sandwich or something before you go?"
He smiled, and stood from the bed, "You don't have to do that, I don't want to be any more of a problem than I already have been."
Rising from the bed, I started making my way towards the kitchen, knowing he was following behind me...."I have to eat too, it's not a problem. Come on, I'll see what we have to work with."
Having decided on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, we had finished up a few minutes later, and as I was rinsing our plates in the sink, I didn't hear him sneak up behind me. Feeling the slightest touch of his skin against mine, I jumped and almost cut myself with a knife that I was currently washing.
Turning around to face him, he was so close that I had to move away, the water still running in the sink, my hands still wet.
He smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, causing me to automatically bring my hand to it as if on reflex, his eyes studying mine, a strange and confusing look appearing on his face as he stayed close, not moving away...."Gabi," he began to speak, "Gabi, I know this may be the last time I see you before Scotty gets back tomorrow, and I just want you to know that I've enjoyed this time with you, even if I wasn't necessarily in the best state of mind last night and my truck broke down today. It's all been fun."
I nodded, and looked away, not saying anything, only knowing I didn't like how close he was to me right now. Then, placing his index finger under my chin, he turned me to face him, his eyes studying mine as he leaned in and did the complete unexpected, kissed me gently on my lips.
Hearing the sound of a horn blowing outside, I pulled away, crossing my arms against my chest, clearing my throat, and running my hands through my hair...."Umm that must be your Dad, you better be going," I said, trying my best not to make eye contact with him.
Moving closer to me, he caressed my cheek, and whispered, "Yes you're right. Gabi, I'm sorry. I guess I got lost in the moment there. It's all going to be okay, I promise."
Bringing my fingers to my lips, I nodded, feeling tears swell up in my eyes as I watched him back away from me and walk out the front door. Closing the door behind him, I stood there alone in my house, unsure of what exactly had just happened.
Walking back towards the bedroom, I knew that I needed to call Ashley and Scotty, but right now I was unsure of what I would say to either one of them. Sitting down on the bed, I brought my knees to my chest, flipped my phone over and over in my lap, and looked out my bedroom window as I saw Kyle's dad's truck pulling out of my driveway.

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