Chapter 38

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Leaving the police station, I merged into the late afternoon traffic. Feeling that same frustration that I had had inside the police station, I found myself hitting the steering wheel, in an attempt to release some of it before making it back to the house.
When I had woke up this morning, I had every intention of knowing exactly what I wanted to do, knowing how I wanted to solve this problem that we currently had in our life. Now, hours later, I was back at square one when I had found out that I had no grounds to place the restraining order.
Not telling Gabi about my plans was most likely another big mistake that I had made because now she was upset with me and I would have to deal with that when I got home. Thinking to myself that none of this would have happened if she had not allowed Kyle to kiss her in the first place, I quickly brushed the thought from my mind, knowing that she already felt guilty enough without me adding extra stress to her plate.
Having made it home about fifteen minutes ago, I had fixed me a glass of juice and was laying on the couch browsing through gender neutral nurseries when I heard his key in the lock on the front door.
Not bothering with getting up, I stayed where I was, unsure of what would happen once he made it inside. Never in our relationship had I become so upset with him that I would actually hang up on him, but seriously, it was crazy of him to even consider a restraining order. We were all grown adults and there had to be a better way to handle things than to add even more unnecessary drama.
Making my way inside the house, I threw my keys on the table and noticed her laying on the couch, her laptop on her lap, her back towards me. Moving closer to her, I noticed that she was looking at nurseries and I thought back to our conversation from earlier this morning when we had mentioned that we would talk about this tonight.
Clearing my throat, I caused her to look up, but only for a second before she returned her attention back to her computer.
I sighed, "Look Gabs, I know you're upset with me, but I think we really need to talk."
"What is there to talk about?," she asked, sitting up and placing the computer on the table in front of her...."Apparently you don't trust me, you think I'm still hiding something from you, and I have told you everything that happened last weekend."
Reaching for her hand, I looked directly into her eyes for the first time since I had walked in the door, "I never said I didn't trust you and I didn't accuse you of anything. I simply asked why you were getting so defensive about what I wanted to do today."
"I just think it's a little irrational to file a restraining order on Kyle. I feel that we can talk about this and work it all out as three young adults without getting the law involved," she paused and squeezed my hand, "I mean, don't you think that I am right?"
Joining her on the couch, I took a deep breath, "Well, you'll be happy to know that I didn't do anything today."
"Oh really?," she asked, sitting up straighter, "Why is that? Did you have a sudden change of heart?
I smiled, a half smile, but a smile nonetheless...."No, I had every intention of at least finding out the certain steps to take, but they told me I had no grounds. He has caused you no harm and there has been no forms of phone harassment."
She nodded, "I see, so what do you want to do now? Do you want to call him and have him come over here so that we can both explain to you what happened? So that we can hopefully get past this and prepare ourselves for the arrival of Gracelynne and Garrett?"
Shaking my head, I said, "No, I don't think that's a good idea, at least not tonight. If I know Kyle, and I think I know him really well, he has probably had one beers to many," I paused, "especially considering the way he looked when I left his house today."
"Okay, so what do you want to do?," she asked
"We will call him, just not tonight. The three of us will sit down and come to an understanding once and for all about certain boundaries that are going to have undoubtedly be set if he wants to continue to be a part of either of our lives," I paused, "You know, it really hurt that he wasn't in the wedding, it hurt even more when a restraining order seemed like the only option we had left, but I hope that we can work something out because I would really like for him to be a part of the twins' lives."
She nodded and moved closer to me, laying her head on my shoulder, "I know it was hard for you back then to not allow him to be in the wedding. I'm sorry that I have caused you so many issues with him."
I smiled and pulled her closer to me, shrugging my shoulders as I kissed the top of her head, "It's the price you pay when you have the most beautiful girl in the world."
Feeling her chest rise and fall against mine, I ran my fingers through her long brown hair, thankful that she was indeed mine and nothing or no one could ever change that.
"Hey, did you know that Austin was going to ask Ashley to marry him this weekend?," she asked, after a few minutes had passed.
I nodded, against her head, "So he really did it huh?," I asked
"So you did know about it, well yeah he asked her sometime this weekend, but I don't know any details. She said she would tell me all about it when she got home," she paused, "You know, come to think of it, I haven't heard from her all day. She must have forgotten to call me."
"Yeah, Austin showed me the ring months ago. He has had it on his mind for awhile and I'm glad I was able to help him out with it, even if I was on the road."
"What do you mean you were able to help him out with it?," she asked, looking at me now.
I smiled, "Well, I'll just let Ashley tell you about that when you talk with her tomorrow. I will just say that it may seem familiar to you in some ways, that's all."
She nodded and laid her head back on my shoulder...."Are you okay Gabs? You still seem like something is bothering you," I asked, rubbing her arm with my hand.
Taking a deep breath, she sighed, "I'm fine, I'm just really tired. It's been a few worrisome and stressful days, I'm just ready to move forward and not look behind."
"I understand, so does this mean that we aren't looking at nurseries tonight?," I paused and motioned towards her computer, "I see that you tried to start without me."
Shrugging her shoulders, she shook her head, "If it's okay with you, I say we just put it off another night. I'm really tired and if I'm being honest, I'm not much in the mood. I know we only have three months to get everything in order, but I'm just not feeling it right now."
Kissing the top of her forehead, I whispered, "Shhh it's okay, there is no reason to explain yourself to me. There is always tomorrow, we have plenty of time and I know you will have everything perfectly placed before the time comes. The most important thing for you right now is to get some rest, calm your nerves, and erase the stress from your life."
Feeling her lips on my chest, she whispered, "How did I get so lucky?"
Not saying anything, I simply sat there, holding her in my arms, the memory coming back to me of our first beach trip and the morning after I had officially asked her to be my girlfriend. It was in that moment that I had asked myself that exact same question and it was in that moment that I had said I would be asking myself that same question for the rest of my life. Now, three years later, as I sat here holding the mother of my unborn children in my arms, I knew that this was still being proven true today.
Laying in bed, I couldn't seem to go to sleep or to shut my mind off from the events that had happened over the past few days. Watching the ceiling fan turn in circles, I twisted the ring around on my left hand. Had this past weekend really happened? Was I really engaged....and engaged to Austin of all people? If you had told me this would be my future three years ago, I most likely would have laughed in your face, but now it seemed as if this was exactly where I was suppose to be.
Having gotten home late last night, Austin had pleaded with me to stay with him at his house, and without much convincing I had given in. Knowing better than to have agreed to this on a school night, I had nothing to wear and so I had had to wake up early this morning to get ready at my apartment before work.
Still not having called Gabi at this point, I had promised myself that I would do just that, but as the day went on and time got away from me, it had slipped my mind. Now, as I lay here in bed tonight, I knew she was probably curious as to why she had not heard from me today. Honestly, I also knew that Scotty was now home and she needed to sort through some issues of her own without me being in her way.
Since being home, Austin and I had not discussed in terms of wedding or future plans although he had once again asked me to stay with him tonight. Deciding it best that I stay in my apartment tonight, the same apartment that Gabi and I had shared in college, I knew that soon we would have to make a decision of whether I would move out or stay here until it was closer to time for the wedding.
Reaching for my phone, I saw that it was now after eleven and that five forty five would come extremely early in the morning. I needed sleep so desperately so why couldn't I shut my mind off?
Sitting on the back porch of my house, there was a cool breeze and a crispness to the air as I listened to the quiet sounds of the crickets chirping and a few frogs off in the distance. Sipping on a beer before going to bed, I knew it was getting late and I would have to get up early to go to the bank in the morning, but something was keeping me away from my bedroom.
This past weekend had been nothing short of amazing and last night when Ashley had fell asleep in my arms was one of the best feelings in the world. How was I suppose to go lay back down knowing she wasn't there tonight, knowing that I wouldn't wake up beside her in the morning?
Wondering if she was asleep, I flipped my phone over and over on my knee, contemplating whether I should call her or not. Taking a sip of my beer, I had an urge to get in my truck, drive to her apartment, and hold her until we both fell asleep but she had asked to stay there tonight and I wasn't going to bother her. I just hoped that she was getting more rest than I was at this moment.
Reminiscing over the past few years, I honestly couldn't thank Scotty enough. He was the one that had given me the courage to ask her out in the first place when I had told him I had hopes of finding a love like his and Gabi's. He was the one that had been there for me when I felt she was pulling away and was there the night I called him to tell him she had chosen to give that other guy a chance, but in the end had ultimately chosen me to be her boyfriend. Recently, he was there when I had showed him the ring and asked how he knew Gabi was the one and what would I have done without him if it had not been for his use of words when writing those letters to Ashley this past weekend?
Yes, we had been through a lot together and he had always been there for me. Now, we were growing up. I was engaged and he was expecting twins, but something told me that a friendship like his and mine were few and far between and I could only wait to see what the future would hold.
Getting up from the chair on the porch, I opened the door that would lead into the living room, closing it behind me and making sure that it was locked. Walking into the kitchen, I threw my empty bottle in the trash and made sure my wallet and keys were on the table.
Retreating to the bedroom, I couldn't help but to think of what the months ahead would hold for us. Undoubtedly there would be many changes, but as I turned the lights out and laid down in bed, I took a deep sigh, knowing that it was all part of growing up and being thankful for forever friends.

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