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You texted me almost after a year that you wanted to talk.

I was about to reject the offer but, Jimin told me to give it a shot.

So I did.

You were there standing, waiting for me, at the same place you rejected me harshly.

You noticed my presence.

There was a silent atmosphere between us. It wasn't awkward at all. The sun had set and, the stars were becoming visible.

You broke the silence and said

"Seolhee. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did to you. I behaved poorly and took you for granted. You were right from the beginning that those friends will leave me and, guess what they did. I know it's too late to accept your confession, but can we restart as friends?"

"Jungkook, I forgave you a long time ago. The moment I found my happiness, I forgave you. Yes, you were wrong for treating me wrong but, it's okay. The past is the past. I'm sorry but, we cannot be friends."

You just nodded, understand, tears dropping one by one.

"You know? I hoped that you'd come back to me. You'd come back to me since the bond we had was strong. Guess I was wrong."

You were sitting there in guilt and shame.

"Anyways, it was nice talking to you Jungkook! Jimin is making dinner. So I have to make sure he does burn down the kitchen!" I said chuckling

Your heart was beating fast when you heard my chuckle.

"Before I leave, make sure not to make promises if you can fulfill them," I uttered, and left patting your shoulder.

You chuckled bitterly seeing the person who had been there for you walking away and meeting her for the last time.

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