ACT 1: Keep Smiling

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The blindfold is ripped off of Emily's face, allowing her to get a good look at her surroundings. She is in the middle of a giant empty white room, with the exception of two things. A giant dark green cargo plane to her left, and Dr. Robotnik standing in front of her.

"Comfortable?" Robotnik asks rhetorically.

Emily's spit flies into his face, catching him by surprise and temporarily blinding him. This would be a perfect opportunity to escape if her arms and legs weren't bound to a wooden chair. The mad genius finishes wiping the saliva off his face and he turns to face Emily, his face now red.

"Unless you want me to end your sad, meaningless existence, you won't try that again," Robotnik warns. "Or maybe you will. Who knows. You G.U.N jarheads have the brain capacity of a peanut."

"Where am I?!" Emily demands.

"In an isolated hanger not far from Robotnik Industries. Y'know, the place that supplies your foolish agency with the mind-blowing tech you don't deserve. Now if you be a good little girl and answer my questions, you'll get a lollypop at the end. First question: where is that blue pest."

"What makes you think I know where he is?" Emily asks.

"Well for starters, you just referred to it as a he. You and that mutated freak are buddy-buddy. I've seen it through one of my bounty hunter's glasses. Now... Where. Is. It."

"Couldn't tell you if I wanted to." Emily answers. "I set him free before you could get your hands on him. Right now, he's probably miles away from here."

Robotnik smirks.

"You think you've won, don't you?" He asks mockingly. "You think that tiny little head has overpowered Doctor Robotnik? Not in your wildest dreams. I'll just simply be on standby and play this safe. And right when sightings of "Bigfoot" are reported, whether it be across the continent or in the local neighborhood, I will send a couple of newly built cloaked robots to end my hedgehog problem once and for all."

"You'll be in a cell by the time that happens," Emily says.

"What for? How could someone who had their inventions stolen by two random bounty hunters out to hunt for a mysterious creature be punished? Surely I won't be confused with that masked terrorist who also happened to have hacked into my prototypes to capture the now missing G.U.N agent for unknown reasons."

"You think that'll hold up in court?"

"Good lawyers and a whole lot of money make anything possible, sweetheart. And without official clearance, your little agency can't do anything without the government's permission."

Emily chuckles.

"You don't know The Commander like I do." She says.

"For once, you're right about something," Robotnik responds. "But don't worry. I have a plan B in case the king of all G.U.N jarheads decides to do something stupid."

"You know, you act like you're better than everyone, but you were stupid enough to let this entire situation happen in the first place. All of this because you wanted to play God."

Robotnik laughs, amused by her comment.

"What's worse?" He begins. "The man playing God, or the poor sap who became friends with his failed science project?"

"Robotnik, creating Sonic is and will be the best thing you've ever done in your life," Emily says. "Sonic is more than a creation of yours. He's the best friend I could ever ask for."

"Geez, I really need to put you out of your misery."

Robotnik pulls out a disintegrator from his jacket pocket.

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