I Ran Away; And Straight Into You

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I've been running for days. I haven't stopped to sleep or eat. All I know is this has something to do with him.I kept running. If these people who are after me because of him, then I can't let them get me.

I ran into someone. Literally. I looked up and it was him. The one I'm running away from anything to protect. Now he's right in front of me again. After 3 years. We are together again.

"Snake Eyes! Where have you been! These crazy people are after me! They want to hurt you!" I basically yelled at him. I continued, "I ran from them. I couldn't let them hurt you. I'm now considered a runaway. I ran away; and straight into you!" I finished with a smile. He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. I gladly followed.

He lead me to his friends, a red haired girl noticed me first. "Hi, I'm Scarlett." She said extending her hand. "It's nice to put a face with the name. I'm Ren. It's short for Renegade." I said smiling and shaking her hand. "You know my name?" She questions. "Yeah he..." I say pointing at Snake Eyes "talked about you all the time." I say giving her a knowing look.

"You're name is literally Renegade?" Some smelly guy asked. "Yes, but I go by Ren. And you are?" I asked not want to be rude. "Tunnel Rat." He said confidentiality. And he was judging my name?

"I'm Roadblock, TR here is just jealous because you're name is better than his." A big burly guy said. He seems really nice. My attention went to the last guy. He was tall, platinum blond, blue eyes, pale skin. I would be lieing if I said I wasn't intrigued by him.

"My name is Sergent Conrad S. Hauser but my friends call me Duke. Why is it that you're called Renegade?" He speaks as though it's rehearsed. Like an army man would.

"Well when I was about 10 I kept doing crazy, out of line, breaking the rules stuff. I kept doing whatever was necessary to protect other people. So I earned the name." I stated, my voice void of emotion. He nodded.

We got along well, immediately we started joking. I know we will all be just fine as long as we continue to run from Cobra together.

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