Murders and Make-Outs (DabiHawks)

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Hotwings, Dystopian AU, Quirks, slight spoilers for my fic Dystopia, TW: cursing.

[10 years earlier]

[Touya's POV]

"Touya! You don't have to do this!" Keigo cried as Touya rushed around his room, picking out clothes and shoving them in a bag. "What about Shoto? Natsuo just died—"

"And that's why I need to fucking leave!" Touya whirled on Keigo, the boy's bright red wings fluttering in anxiety. "My brother was just murdered, K. Do you know how that feels? I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do anything in this place without hearing his voice, seeing his smile, feeling his nails dig into my arm whenever Father came to get Sho. Shoto is young, he'll get past this. Me, I can't. Especially not here." Touya slung his bag over his shoulder. "Don't follow me."

Keigo grabbed the backpack, causing Touya to pause. He turned back around to see tears flowing steadily from his friend's eyes. "Fine. I won't follow you. I promise, Touya, that I'll look after Sho." A red feather flew in front of Touya's face, and he grabbed it. "Take it. I have plenty of spares." Keigo let go of the pack, wiping at his eyes. "Go. Don't die, Touya. I'll find you one day."

Touya leaned forward giving Keigo a small peck on the cheek, watching with mild amusement as the boy's face heated up. Touya chuckled, "We'll see about that, Birdie."


[10 years later]

[Touya Dabi's POV]

Dabi sat alone inside the upper room of a tailor shop, spinning a red feather between his fingers. He had recently joined a new gang calling themselves The League, and he now had a steady stream of gossip flowing from the mouths of each member. So he obviously heard the news of the prince being missing, and how they should be more careful because the general himself was out looking for him. Dabi chuckled to himself.

The general was of no concern to him.

In fact, Dabi had been seeing Hawks for a while. Unbeknownst to the bird, Dabi allowed Hawks to find him that one day. He was getting bored, so he decided to mess with the king's trusted general.

Unfortunately, Hawks recognized him the instant their eyes met. How rude of him to ruin Dabi's fun so quickly.

At the moment, Dabi was actually waiting for the bird to fly in. He was expecting the frantic apologies that were sure to come about losing track of Shoto, but Dabi wasn't really worried. Sho could take care of himself. The bastard is older than Dabi was when he ran away.

Dabi heard a rustle of wings and panting breath and glanced towards the door to see Hawks burst through it. He came further into the room, shutting the door behind him, and collapsing onto one of the random mattresses scattered around the room. He let out a groan, "Hey."

Dabi raised an eyebrow, "Were you chased here?"

Hawks shook his head against the mattress, his voice muffled since his face was pressed against it. "No, but I did rush to make sure you didn't leave by the time I got here." Hawks lifted his head, gold eyes staring into Dabi's turquoise ones. "I take it you've heard?"

Dabi, being the ass he was, leaned back against the arm of the couch he was sprawled across. He twisted the feather in his hands again. "Hm? Heard what, exactly?"

Hawks huffed, "So you have heard." He looked down again, "Sorry. I should've known he'd run."

Dabi tsked, "I didn't expect you to stop him. He has every right to run away from that bastard."

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