That Was Close

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GAH! He's to close' Teito was swinging his hand to make some space between them "tch" and carries on walking

"Hm?" notices Teitos neck and ears have gone red 'is he embarrassed or blushing'

"hehe" Athena giggles to her self 'it's like a romance book"
To be continued:

~back at the church~

"thank you athena for taking me out" Teito said

"it's fine" Athena smiles

"hey Tei-" Frau got cut off

"well ill be going now don't worry about making me food, I'm tired after a long day" Teito said

"are you sure?" Athena said

"mhm and don't worry I'll be fine" Teito hurries off

"......" Frau stares as Teito make his way off

"don't worry Frau he's just 'tired' " Athena reassured Frau

'I'll check on him after dinner' Frau helped Athena carry the bags to the kitchen area

~after dinner~

'I wonder if that kid is sleeping', "hey Teito are you awake?" Frau was knocking on the door

He heard moving around in the room

"hold on be out in a sec" Teito spoke 'crap crap what is he here for' Teito hurriedly put some confession letter away

Teito then opened the door "what's brings you here Frau?"

"Well it's very unlike you to skip your meals so I thought I'll come check on you" Frau said in a new set of tone (that Teito never heard before)

"yeah I'm perfectly fine" Teito was surprised from the tone in fraus voice

"are you maybe mad at me for ruining your date with Athena..?" Frau said while avoiding eye contact 'wow I couldn't of sounded more jealous'

Teito burst out laughing

Frau was a little taken back from Teitos laugh 'he looks cute but handsome aswell'

"ahaha sorry no you big dummy" Teito said while playfully punching Frau 'I guess Athena was right he is oblivious'

"alright I just wanted to check on you" Frau had his hand clenched behind his back 'hah this what jealousy feels like, what a pain'

"alright night kiddo" Frau ruffles his hair

"night Frau" Teito said with a sweet smile

*badump badump* 'he's making it so hard for me' Frau holds his chest

Teito closes his door and puts his hand where Frau ruffled his head 'that was close you old man' blushes

~with Frau~

"achoo!" Frau sniffles 'who the hell is saying shit about me'

~time skip early in the morning~
(my apologies my lovelies for so many times skips due to my laziness 😅🥺)

Frau yawns as he goes get some water 'Hm who's up so early in the morning?'

"hahaha" a male and females voice came from the kitchen

Frau peeped in

"haha you've got chocolate on your face" Athena said trying to contain her laughter

"like your the one to talk" Teito points

"ehem am I interrupting you two" Frau leaning against the door way with his vest top and bottoms

"ah no of course not I was just helping Teito here with making some chocolate" Athena said whilst wiping the chocolate off her face

"did I get it off?" Teito spoke

"haha not even close" Athena said while giggling 'I have a little plan installed' Athena wiped the choclate of his face and licked if off her finger "there mostly gone the rest is on the side of your mouth"

"where here?" Teito said

"no a little to your left" Athena said


"no that's your right"

"oh he-"

Frau licked his finger and wipes the side of his mouth

*badum*badum*' WHAT THE HELL'
Teito went bright red

'he took the bait' Athena smirked "oh look at the time I better get going can you guys clean up"

"of course" Frau replied

"...." Teito stayed quiet

"thanks" Athena said before making her way out and closing the doors behind her

Teito got straight into cleaning up

"hey kid..." Frau said

"....y-yeah" Teito replied without looking at Frau

"can you look at me" Frau's tone changed to that unfamiliar tone again

"I'm trying to clean" Teito said

"when I say look at me I expect you to look at me" Frau repeated and got closer to Frau

'crap I'm still blushing and my heart won't calm down' Teito was trying to play cool

Frau then grabbed his shoulder to face him

Teito then covered his face 'calm down, calm down I should be used to hiding my feeling so why?"

" Teito what's wrong?" Frau had a sad tone this time

" it's nothing I swear" Teito replied

"then show me your face" Frau said whilst holding Teitos arms

Teito slowly removed his hands from his face and adverted eye contact with Frau

"are you blushing?" Frau asked

"w-w-what are you talking about its just hot in here!?" Teito stuttered

Frau grabs his cheeks

"ow ow ow!" Teito exclaimed

"yknow your a terrible liar" Frau said with a smirk

"and your just an oblivious old man" Teito stuck his tongue out

"were you having naughty thoughts about Athena" Frau said

"no!" Teito shouted

'woah I've never seen him this angry' Frau thought

"ugh your suck an oblivious prick and an old man at fact how could I ever-" Teito put his hands over his mouth

"ever?" Frau repeated

"none of your buisness" he kicked Frau leg

"ouch!" Frau said while holding his leg

"hmph! Now you can finish the rest off" Teito said whole slamming the door after him
Hello my lovelies ☺️ hope your doing well and you've enjoyed the story bye bye 🥰

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