Betrayed 3 (jennie)ft.rosé

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[Park's secret hideout]

"Did you already inject them."

"Yes, Mr. Park."

"Let's wait for y/n to arrive."


"Yah! Lisa calm down."

"How can I calm down they took jennie!"

"Nothings going to happen. Put the bag on your head Lisa Manoban."

"No! I want to know where your taking me."

"Lalisa Manobal put on the bag now."

"Fine but it's Manoban not manobal." Lisa says putting on the black bag on her head.

"Are we there yet."

"No lisa."

**Some minutes later.**

"Are we there yet."


"How about now."


"Lisa I'll tell you when we get there."


**few minutes.**

"Y/n it taking forever, are we there."

"Lisa if don't quit, I'll throw you out the car."

"You can't do that."

"Don't test me lisa, I'll do it."

"Fine I'll go to sleep then."

**An hour later**


"Are we there, I'm sweating y/n from the bag."

"Yeah, you wait here I'll get jennie."

"No I want to go with you."

"Lisa you can't if the Kim's find out your here they'll think your part of this plan."


[Park's hideout]

"Hello Mr. Park."

"Your here."

"Yes where are the Kim's."

"In the basement, follow me."

Entering the basement seeing the Kim's tied up in chairs. Looking at the Kim sister.

"When are they going to wake up, Mr. park."

"In a couple of minutes want coffee, tea, a drink y/n for the wait."

"Yes pls make two I have someone in the car."

"And may I ask who."

"Its the Manoban's daughter Lisa."

"Oh I see you better not hav-

"Dont worry Mr. Park I put a bag on her head so she won't see where we were headed. Plus where in a forest there's no signal. Right?"

"Alright tell her to come in."

"Ash fine."


**Knock knock**

Lisa rolled down the window. Having a pout on her face.

"Yah don't act like that, come inside."

"Eh didn't you tell not to and where jennie are you going to kill me here. I knew you weren't going to forgive me that easy. Pls y/n let me live I'm to young to die pls."

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