What A Lie

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Keith POV

I couldn't believe what I had done. I just potentially lost Lance because of my own stupidity. Lance.. He surely hates me now I don't blame him I would too. Sobbing I clutched my hair pulling strands of ebony hair. I lost the most perfect boy in the world, no the universe. I don't know how to live without him. I cried and cried until i heard a scoff. "Seriously Keith surely you would have known it wouldn't last that long". "Shut up James!" I screamed. "Not my fault you cheated on your boyfriend and he hates you now". "I said shut up!" With that I lunged at him and hit him square in the nose drawing blood. I wanted to blame him for this. That he was the reason I cheated. I knew deep down it was my own dirty desires, but I didn't want to acknowledge that. I was going to throw another hit at him when Lance's crying face popped into mind

I screamed and messily through another punch completely missing James. When my fist collided with the locker I didn't even feel pain, just anger. Angry at James, angry at Lance, and angry at myself. I howled, frustrated and kept punching the locker till there was a dent in it and my knuckles bleed .I fell to the ground clutching my head. "Please..please come back Lance..." Tears streaming down my face I just sobbed until I passed out.

Lance POV

I ran and ran sobbing not caring where I was going. How could he do this to me? Was I not good enough? Was I not smart enough? Was I not pretty enough? With all these thoughts running through my head I collapsed to the ground. Screaming from a broken heart I just cried my heart out. I sobbed and hiccupped until I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Allura. "Allura he- he..." I hiccuped. "I know Lonce let it out" I cried into her shoulder until I fell asleep.

Allura POV

In all honesty we all had a suspicion that Keith was cheating on Lonce we just didn't want to address it. I'm sorry Lonce if only I said something sooner maybe I could have stopped you from being this hurt I thought. I looked at Lance's peaceful face. How could Keith ever hurt this angel? I looked at Lance maybe a little too long and a blush started to creep its way up to my cheeks. I had started to like Lance after he comforted me with my breakup with Lotor. I was scared to rush into another relationship afraid to be hurt like I was with Lotor. Clearly that didn't end well cause a couple months later Lance came in with a blushing Keith announcing them dating. I felt like I had been stabbed with hundreds of daggers in my heart, but I smiled and told them I was happy for them. How could I not when I saw him smiling the brightest I have ever seen.

Only it was directed at him.

It wasn't long until they were going on dates everyday

And sometimes we'd walk in on the wrong time and catch them in the act of something ya know cough* dirty

It pained me each time, but I would always put on a fake smile and I realized I loved him too late.

Shiro POV

I was walking in the hall when I heard some banging and then a fall. I rushed to the commotion to see A beaten locker and a student on the floor. Wait, not just any student that's Keith! "Oh Keith what did you do this time?" I muttered to myself I picked him up and tried not to wake him. I carried him to the car and drove him to my house. At some point through the drive I heard Keith start muttering stuff like "I'm sorry please stay". Confused, I pondered. Oh Keith just what did you do? By the time I finally made it back to my house Keith had tears cascading down his face. He was still sleeping. Maybe a nightmare? "Come on Keith" I grunted "we need to get inside". Keith only snored. I sighed and picked him up. This boy must really be worn out.


I went upstairs to check on Keith. He was still sleeping. "Come on Keith we need to go Lance is probably worried" He stirred "L-Lance?" "Yes Keith Lance now come on we need to go". At that moment Keith started sobbing screaming Lance's name. Oh dear he must have really screwed something up. I sighed and rubbed his back soothingly until he fell back asleep. I picked him up and carried him back to the car. When we arrived at his and Lance's apartment I realized the lights were off so either Lance wasn't here or he was sleeping, probably the latter. I opened Keith's door and carried him inside. I knew where the spare key was. I was Keith's brother after all. I walked into the living room and put him on the couch. I draped him in a blanket and left a note for both Lance and Keith when they woke up.

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