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A blinding white heat at the base of my neck brought me back into consciousness. My eyes shot open, only for me to immediately snap them shut. Bright green hues had penetrated my eyes as soon as I had opened them, which made me regret opening them in the first place. This time, I opened my eyes slowly, allowing them to adjust to the scenery around me. I took in a sharp breath of air. This place was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. There were green colors swirled in space, with floating doors and islands speckled on the horizon. It was vast and looked to never end. I looked down, finding that the ground was an alluring purple, but also many, many feet below me. And yet, I never fell. I floated, suspended in some sort of odd gravitational bubble. 

I reached my hand back, delicately poking at the sore spot on my neck. I hissed in pain, immediately pulling my hand back. A glowing green substance spotted the tips of my glove, where the cloth had touched my neck. "What the..." I shook my hand and tried to wipe the green ooze onto my pants. This brought attention to my clothing, which I never remembered putting on. It was skin tight, and almost seemed to be a part of me. It fit perfectly, and bent and stretched with every movement. 

"None of this makes sense!" I lamented, into the vast green emptiness. "Maybe I shouldn't be shouting into strange places." I mumbled to no one other than myself. 

Something caught my eye, moving from one of the doors off into the emptiness. I turned, watching as some ghastly looking woman was flying towards a.. portal? I fell quiet, slowly following the woman. She almost looked like she could be someone's grandmother, so she shouldn't be too dangerous, right? I sped up slightly, hoping to get some questions to my answers. "Excuse me miss? Could you tell me where-" I snapped my mouth shut upon seeing her head rotate impossibly far, only to growl and glare at me. After that bit of attitude, she turned and slipped through the swirling green portal ahead of us.

"Well she could've handled that better..." I puffed out a small sigh, before settling my gaze on the portal in front of me. Maybe whatever was on the other side of this was better than here? After all, there was some odd sort of pull to the portal, making me more curious than ever to see what was on the other side of it. Then again, maybe it was some sort of trap. Against what should be my better judgement, I floated through the portal, and to the other side.

On the other side was a sight to see. I didn't know what I had expected, but interestingly enough there was some sort of science lab. Different beakers and machines laid scattered around the room, and odd looking inventions hung from the walls, along with some kind of green ooze spotting the place. Before I could boggle at the lab any further, loud footsteps came from the left of me. I turned, only to see a fairly large man clad in an orange jumpsuit charging my way.

"GHOOST! You won't sneak into Jack Fenton's house and get away with it!" He roared, gaining on my position. I yelped in shock before diving into the air, allowing the man to simply collide into the wall behind me. I scanned the room for an exit, my eyes landing on a staircase. Taking the opportunity, I shot up the stairs in an attempt to escape. The man recovered quickly, pursuing after me while yelling for some woman named 'Maddie' to 'start up the GAV'. I didn't want to stick around to find out what that was, and instead headed for what looked to be a front door. I reached out to grab the handle and... 

slipped straight through the door. As if the day couldn't get any stranger. I flew straight up from there, trying to catch my breath from above. Before I was given too much time to myself, some sort of green beam shot past my head, fizzling in my ear as it grazed my hair. The source? A woman clad in a hazmat suit alike to the man's, but teal in place of orange. I took off in a random direction, hoping to lose them quick enough. I couldn't explain it, but something felt weird, like I was barely hanging onto myself. I took random turns and sped up, hoping that would be enough to lose them at stop signs and red lights. Unfortunately for me, they were quite intent on chasing me down, and that meant ignoring regular traffic laws.

Seeing that I wouldn't be able to outmaneuver them, I decided on finding someplace to hunker down and wait it out. Then, maybe I could put some pieces of what happened together to figure out just what the hell is going on with this place. My eyes bounced from spot to spot, before picking out a large tree next to a schoolyard. It would have to do, at least for the time being. I dropped from the sky, pressing my body against the tree. I held my breath, listening for the GAV to pass. I heard it slow down as it passed the school, before ultimately speeding back up and taking off.

"Freaking finally." I let out a sigh of relief, taking slow gulps of air in an attempt to catch my breath. Dark spots appeared in the edges of my vision, as a growing feeling of weariness crept over me. I dropped to my knees, a white ring appearing over me and shooting down the length of my body. 

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