Chapter Five

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I have one day left to go until I leave to head to England. I got my aunt to help me take care of my school business, and I've talked about it with my friends and Risa.

Risa was ecstatic. She knows I haven't had a boyfriend in forever, and she's spent the past two weeks interrogating me, asking me the same questions over and over.

"So are you two dating?!"

"No, Risa, not yet."

"And you kissed?"

"Yes." Hehehe.

"Who started it?"

"We both kind of did."

"How was it?"

"It was... Awesome. Haha."

"Was there tongue?!!"

"Geez, Risa!!"

We'd both be fangirling by the end of the conversation. A month ago I never would've thought I'd get to speak to Ed Sheeran, let alone kiss him. Or go to England to visit him. Aaaaaa.

I had my bags completely packed and ready to go. I'd made sure it was okay with Risa that she'd be by herself in the house for a while. She looked at me exasperatedly and said, "I'm nearly twenty, Natalie. I think I can handle living on my own."

My friends were all ecstatic for me. Sarah and Jason had stopped by the house a few days ago to hang out. Like Risa, Sarah had fangirled with me about Ed. She was a huge Sheerio herself, and she kept alternating between "I hate you!!" and "Oh my gosh you're so lucky! I love you!" Well, she couldn't hate me too much; it was because of me that she'd gotten to hang out with him.

More people were talking to me at school, and I could feel my self confidence slowly rising. I wasn't quite so timid or scared to talk to people anymore. I'd started gradually eating more and more, and I wasn't noticeably gaining any weight from it.

Ed had tagged me in another post on twitter a few days ago, teasing me, "See you in a bit, I've got a surprise for you haha" Since this was the second time he'd mentioned me, people were starting to comment on it things asking if we were dating. It was weird. Id never had so much interest in my social life before. I sent a tweet back saying, "Haha stop :P see ya soon! Xx" It was a little scary how quickly it got favorited and re-tweeted.

Since its the last day before I leave, Risa and I invite over her boyfriend Steven, and Jason and Sarah for a movie night. We watch Paranormal Activity 3, and by the end of the movie I'm completely paranoid. I'm the only one, though; I'm pretty sure the other two couples just want to have sex with each other. Oh, well.

I lay in bed afterwards and text Ed to keep myself from freaking out, and I'm amazed that he's responding; it's about 6 am where he is at. After a bit, though, he texts me "Better get some sleep, babe, I'll see ya tomorrow :)"

It is very hard to go to sleep after that.


But, eventually, I do. Its terrible waking up at seven after that, but the fact that I'm going to England to see Ed gets me going pretty quickly. I shove all my bags into the car and hustle Risa to the van so she can take the car back home when I leave.

The drive to the airport takes about half an hour, and I'm almost falling asleep at the wheel. The luggage lines at the airport are awful, too, and it feels like forever before I'm hugging a sleepy Risa goodbye and boarding the plane.

The trip wasn't bad, as far as trips go. I'm sitting next to a nerdy looking skinny guy who keeps checking me out, but thankfully he seems too scared to make a move. I'm very grateful for that. I read some magazines, write a little on my laptop, then take a nap, careful to angle my head away from my neighbor so that I don't accidentally lay my head on his shoulder.

Someone announces that we have about thirty minutes before our landing, and I sit upright. It's ridiculous, I know, but I pull a little mirror out of my purse and adjust my makeup, make sure my hair is okay, and give myself a big smile. I have to look good. I spend the next nearly half hour tapping my foot and waiting impatiently to land.

When it does, I get off as quickly as possible, which is not very, and hurry to where my luggage is. I'm looking around hurriedly for my suitcase. I can't find them anywhere, and it definitely doesn't help that they're plain black. Great.

I feel a tap on my back. A gruff voice says, "Excuse me miss, want some help with your bags?"

"Um, sure," I mutter, then turn to see who I'm speaking to. "Ed!" I exclaim. I throw my arms around his shoulders and he hugs me back. "Dang you and your accents," I say, pulling back and pretending to be mad.

He laughs. "Got you."

We grin at each other, then we go to get my luggage.

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