Chapter 1

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There was nothing different about my life than any one else's. I live with my adoptive family and I have for sixteen years. I love it here. My dad, John, is most likely the best dad ever. He is sweet and kind and approves of everything! My mum is just as nice, Kate, she is so caring, her and I go shopping all the time. I have a little brother called Jay, 7, and he is so cute! We might not be related but I still call him my brother.
Its winter. Christmas is in thirteen days. The school holidays start in five days, then I might actually have the time to go and shop for my family, and my best friend, Charlotte. I have known her for seven years at least. She moved to my primary school when I was in primary six and we have been best friends ever since, even when we got moved into different classes in the academy. We see each other every break and lunch and we usually always hang out every day after school. We have just finished our fourth year exams and we are studying for our fifth year exams for next year. I do like school, especially now that after forth year all the smokers and 'popular' stuck up snobs have left because they think they will be fine going without college or university. Retards. But I'm glad! I am able to study without worrying about the 'populars' bitching about me. Even if they aren't bitching about me inperticular, I have heard them bitching about other people all the time. It's like a hobby for them. My classes are so much more exciting and fun now, I am able to bond with all my class members and answer questions with out the threat of being judged. My life is great!

My alarm starts to beep at 6:00am. Its a Monday morning, and its the last week of term. We usually watch films and make games in class! I slowly sit up and yawn, as I struggle to get out of bed. I hate the mornings. Especially Monday mornings. I drag myself out of bed and I head toward the bathroom. I turn round to face the airing cupboard, and I open it and grab a blue towel. I lock the door and let my dressing gown slip down my shoulders and fall to the floor. I then turn the shower on and step in.
The steamy warmth trickles down my back and wettens my hair. The shower is the best part of the morning, it wakes me up and gets my energized for the day.

"Hey Jayne," jay greets me as I walk into the kitchen.
"Morning, why are you up so early?" I sit down next to him at our breakfast bar and grab myself the cereal box, as it was lying in front of me.
"Cause its the last week of school! We get to watch films all day and hang around with our own friends instead of being sat next to some one I don't like," Jay packed an over flowing spoon of ceream into his mouth.
"Do you sit next to some one you dont like?" I asked, turning my head yo face him.
"Yeah, we all got moved last month and now I sit next to this mean fat girl," Jay sighed, then spooned another load of cereal into his mouth.
"Just ignore her," I poke my spoon around the bowl for a while, letting it turn to mush. I decided I didn't want to eat mush so I got up, put my bowl on the side and went upstairs to get ready.
I walked over to my window, and opened it. The fresh air came pounding in. It was a cold thick breeze, and it made my room a little less stuffy I guess. I turned back around and I almost sorta let myself fall back onto my bed. I then inhaled vastly, closing my eyes for a split second.

"Jayne... Jayne? Jayne!"
"What?" I sit up, startled to see my brother standing in the door frame, staring at me. I rub my eyes as my brother continues.
"I'm just about to go to school."
"Why? What time is it?" I ask, reaching for my phone on my bedside table.
"Half eight. I have to be at school by nine," he looks to the side and starts to pick at a small part of pealing paint on my door frame. "You were down stairs an hour ago, when we had breakfast."
"Right. Sure, whatever. Have a nice day at school. Remember I'm taking you out shopping for presents after school." I said, looking down at my phone. All of a sudden I remember that I don't need to go to school for the first three days because of study break. Also the fact that they are redoing up my class rooms and all. My spirit rises.
"Yeah, bye!" He shouts back, as he runs down the stairs to the car.
"Bye!" I call back, but not as loud. I turn my phone off and put it aside, as I turn to my right side to get some more sleep. Why was I so tired? I shut my eyes and buried the bottom half of my face in the covers. Nope. I ant get back to sleep. Damn. One minute my bed is too hot. Then the nest minute its too cold. Its hard to get it perfect. The curtains were rattling on their rails, from the wind that was gushing through my open window. It had started to get cold in my room, so i got up and closed the window. I stopped for a moment to look outside. The sky was a deap blue colour and the sun was shining low at the north east. There was frost everywhere. It wasn't warm in the slightest. Its never warm in winter. Its always bloody cold till march or April. Its like winter takes over half the year itself. The grass glistens in the sun light from the frost covering it all completely. Don't get me wrong when I say winter is my favourite time of the year. I don't like the cold, and I never will. I just like the seasoning and baggy jumpers and blankets, cossied up with hot chocolate in front of the TV or cuddled up with a good book. But out of all that, I think present buying is the best to be honest. I'm kind of a shopoholic. When ever I have the money. Even if its just five pounds. I will spend it. My brother enjoys shopping as well, that's why I'm taking him after school. We do have an excuse though. He needs to get Christmas presents and so do I.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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