Chapter 3: Frustration

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I wake up, groaning, not remembering a single thing that had happened yesterday. I look around, and I can clearly see I'm in my own bedroom. My huge poster of Maroon 5, my compound bow on the wall, yep, this is clearly the room of Raiden Day. I roll over, and decide to text Arissa. I don't usually text her unless I tease her, and I decided today would be no different

RAIDEN - 6:20 - Hey Ari you coming to class on time this time? :p
Read by Arissa 6:21
ARISSA - 6:21 - I'm going to be with Luke today, so don't bother trying to find me.
Read by Raiden 6:21
RAIDEN - 6:21 - Why? Hey so do Xander and Joseph remember or no
Currently unread

I turn off his phone after waiting for 5 minutes, sighing. I never really liked Luke. He seemed like the stereotypical try-hard white boy. Blondie, blue-eyes, captain of the football team. works out at the gym everyday. But I still don't get why she likes him. I text Xander.

RAIDEN - 6:26 - Hey Xanda do you think something's wrong with Ari?
Read by Xander 6:27
XANDER - 6:28 - Um, I don't think so...Why?
Read by Raiden 6:28
RAIDEN - 6:29 - Ok.
Read by Xander 6:30

I quickly shut off my phone with a frustrated groan. What was with everybody today? Whatever. I got dressed, and by 6: 30, I was walking to school. But before I stepped out the door, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. On my dresser, there was a box with a note on it. The lid of the box was a little bit off, revealing part of what was inside. A green cloak, and some clothes. A shirt, pants, gun, pair of shoes... gun? I throw the clothes away to view the gun. A long handgun/rifle hybrid, that seems to be hard light... then again hard light is purely fictional. Right?!
I eventually put the gun back into my drawer, covering it with my clothes. But I do wear the cloak, as it complements my style. On my way out, I snatch up the keys to my motorcycle and begin my trip to school. As I ride, my green cloak flutters in the wind behind me, and God forbid anyone trying to stop me today. Once I make it to the school, I park my motorcycle in my usual spot. While taking off my helmet, I notice Arissa standing by the doorway to the building.
My instant reaction was to call out to her, but I prevented myself from doing so.
As I watch, Luke comes up behind her and kiss her lips lightly as she turns her head towards him. I scowl at the sight, quickly looking down to my iPhone only to look back up and notice Luke looking directly at me.
Is... is he smirking at me? I was right. There's a slight smug look on his face, but it's gone as soon as he leads her into the building.
"Dick." I spat under my breath, turning my attention back to putting my helmet on my bike before heading into the building myself.
"Raiden!" Joseph's voice hits my ears as soon as his arm is thrown over my shoulders.
"Hey?" I look at Joseph as he smiles back at me. "Where's Arissa? She's usually always with you in the morning...?" He asks, looking around the area for a moment before stopping and hesitantly looking back at me.
"She's with Luke." I mumble, looking from the ground then back at Joseph.
"Oh well um ha ha, would you look at that...we should go to class, now." Joseph says, grasping my shoulder a bit harder and trying to steer me away. As if he's trying to hide something from me. "No. Wait, I have to ask Ari a question..." I try pulling out of Joseph's grip, but he wouldn't budge. "I don't think that's such a good idea..." He mumbles, his eyes casting downwards from glancing over behind me. "Why not?" I snap, frustrated by whatever the hell he is hiding from me. "Fine!" He says harshly back, gesturing over to a point behind me. I just stare at him in confusion. "What...?" "Just look." He grumbles, his grip around my shoulders soften as he pulls away. Allowing me access to turn around.
I shouldn't have turned around.
My eyes instantly land on probably the worst site ever.
Luke and Arissa were holding hands and practically being praised as chants of 'OTP' and 'Lurissa!' were coming from the students.
I turn around and begin to make my way towards my class.
"I told you not to look." Joseph mentions, just as I walk into the empty classroom.
"I know, I know... " I say as I get to my seat. Xander is already there, chewing on a granola bar.
"So you saw the whole thing going on out there huh?" He asked, gesturing to the door with his free hand.
"Yea." I mumble, going to retrieve my homework from my bag. "Disgusting isn't it?" I hear Xander ask me. "Quite." I snort, now harshly gripping my binder and tossing it onto the desk. (Lands perfectly.)
"Goddamn, it's just... I hate Luke so much. He's so freaking... ugh... I don't even know why Arissa likes him. Luke's such a bad influence. Why is he such a-"
Xander tossed the granola bar. It bounced off of my head and landed inside the trash can.
"Hey , what's your f@%#$ing problem, Xan-"
Xander stood up and did a gymnastic flip up, then landed on the table.
"See what I DON'T understand, is why on earth you care. Luke is such a nice guy. He's nice to everyone here! He's cool anyways! So here's the question' Why in God's name do you care?"
I begin to stammer. "I.. I... I don't... Um... Crap... Ugh... I think..."
Xander said, "LMAO. You liKE her?!!??!??"
Joseph started rolling around laughing like crazy.
I grab Xander and slam him against the wall. "I swear to f@%#king god if you don't shut up I'll-"
Xander looks at me with wide eyes, before he breaks out into a smile. "SO YOU DO!? OH MAN!! This is great. This is just priceless. Dudeeeee! HOW LONG?"
I plop Xander back in his seat, and I decide to just look away from them.
"Shut up..." I mumble, curling in on myself a bit out of slight embarrassment.
"He's not denying it! HE's NOT denying it!!" Xander pointed out, a large smug look on his face as he talks to Joseph.
Why can't they just shut up...
"Who's not denying what?" Arissa's voice sounds from the doorway, making me tense.
"Oh nothing..." Joseph replies calmly.
"It's just Rai here isn't denying to liking someone.~" Xander says in a happy tone. That little shit. I'm going to stab him.
I can't bring myself to turn around to meet their gazes that stare into my back. "Oh who?" Arissa asks, removing her gaze from my back as she takes her seat beside me...not even looking at me anymore. "No one!" I shout, looking at Xander and Joseph who just smirk at me.
"It's no one..." I sigh, Arissa sending me a weird look.
"That's nice." She responds, turning her attention to Xander and Joseph.
As the students trickled in, I remembered the day this Lurissa shit began...

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