𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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chapter nine.

"YOU what?" Ray asked, furrowing his brows at my statement.

I took in a deep breath, already knowing that he heard what I said and most likely didn't approve, "Vincent and I kissed the other day."

"And I'm just finding out about it now?" He wondered and I nodded as we sat alone in Motor.

"Yes, but you're the first to know," I assured, "I haven't even told Estee and them yet."

Ray responded with silence, staring at me for a moment before looking down and scratching the back of his head, "Well I mean, congrats, right?"

I grimaced at his answer, but hummed regardless, "Yeah, I guess so."

"You like him, don't you?" I nodded again, "Well, then what's the issue? Is he a bad kisser?"

I rolled my eyes, shoving him playfully, "I like him, but I don't think there's much else to it." He raised a brow, causing me to sigh, "The only thing I can say we have in common is that we skate and were neighbors."

"Hey, can you say that at my funeral?" He asked, "Because that's basically our friendship."

I flipped him off, "You know we have a lot more in common than anyone else. Plus we've been through a lot of shit together." He smiled at my words before hopping down from the counter.

"Let's go smoke," He motioned his head towards the couch across the room before heading over there to dig in his pockets. I come around from the counter and sit next to him as he pulled out his bud and rolling paper. As he began to roll up a joint I reached to the middle of the table for the radio, switching it on for Aaliyah to play lowly. I raised the volume before relaxing back and eyeing Ray, "What?"

"So what do you think I should do?" I wondered and he looked at me confused, "About Vinnie? He asked to hang out again."

"I'm not going to tell you what I think, Drew," He chuckled, as he stuffed the joint, "That question is meant for Estee."

"What? Why?" I furrowed at him, watching him shake his head, "Ray, tell me."

"I don't know, Drew, it's just-" He paused, glancing up at me, "Ol' dude just seems like a player and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"You could have said that instead of just making it seem like you didn't have an opinion," I glared at him, scooting down to sit next to him as he lit up.

He took two slow pulls before holding it out to me, "Why does my opinion even matter?"

"Because you're my best friend," I took a pull as I met his eyes, "You're always honest with me about shit."

After my second pull, I handed it back to him, blowing my smoke in the opposite direction. He leaned forward and tapped off the ashes into the ashtray before sitting back to look at me, "Okay, so with that statement, I'm going to say not to go on that date with him."

Before I got a chance to respond, the door open with the boys piling in with abrupt laughter, "Yo, not ya smoking without us!"

Fuckshit rushed over to us and thrown himself onto the seat next to me. Ray handed Fuckshit the joint, causing me to kiss my teeth, "Hey, don't fuck up the rotation!"

Ruben then sat next to Fuckshit as Fourth Grade sat near Ray, "Lava, can you roll up another one?"

I glared at Fuckshit, "Are your hands broken?"

"Yeah, I was busy messing with Liv last night," He laughed and I gave him a look as he passed around high fives to the boys.

"What are you talking about?" I asked and he laughed more, "Don't tell me you and her are a thing."

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