The hobbit fanfic

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Fanfic, based on the movie-not the book. Srry for mistakes. Enjoy


I was simply walking in the woods. The sun shone brightly, birds chirping, nice breeze, very nice day for a walk.

I been walking for about 5 years, and running, sneaking, hiding, and maybe some killing. Did I have a home? Or a family? Well, no. My family died. My village was raided by orcs, and my family didn't survive. And...well, only I did.

I stopped to hear the birds chirp their beautiful songs once more. But, they didn't.

Something wasn't right. I looked around but couldn't see anything. None the less I took out my weapon.

U could say it was a dagger, or maybe a sword. It's ragged edge doesn't seem like a dagger, but it was just a little small for a sword. But call it what you want.

I heard a few yells and found myself surround by a group of dwarves.

"Woah there! No need to get violent." I said.

A chubby one with red hair asked, "then why do u have ur weapon out?"

I looked down and realized I still had my dagger.

"I didn't know if u meant harm, and I still don't." I said simply.

"The woods is not a place for a child." Another said. He looked like the leader.

"A child? Please, a kid wouldn't have a dagger, alone in the woods, who knows how to beat a dwarf." I smirked.

The leader said, "no mere girl can defeat a dwarf. Not even when the dwarfs not ready."

I laughed. Put my dagger away. Took the leaders hand. And flipped him over. Then put a foot on his chest.

"Oh Really?" I asked.

"I let u do that." He mumbled.

"Sure." I said, helping him back up. He introduced me to everyone. Kili seemed kinda cute.

"How old r u, miss......?" Bilbo asked.

"Arianna, but call me Anna. And Ummm, lets see....somewhere around 75 I believe." I simply answered.

Bilbo looked shocked,"75!? But how.....?"

I shrugged, "I'm part elf, I age slower then normal humans. But I'm not immortal."

"Part elf?" Thorin, the leader, glared.

I rolled my eyes, "look, I know about the arguments between dwarves and elves. But I believe I was probably not have even been born when the cause of the arguments took place! So don't blame me for something I didn't do."

"Why are u alone in the woods?" Thorin asked, changing the subject reluctantly.

"Walking, hunting, breathing, blinking, and stuff like that." I answered simply.

He frowned slightly, "why would ur father allow u to hunt?"

I looked down, "maybe because he isn't alive."

Thorin looked at me with soft eyes for once, "I understand, I lost my family too."

I nodded. Then my questioning face came on, "So what are 13 dwarves, a hobbit, and a wizard doing here?"

They all started mumbling different excuses that I didn't understand. I sighed and saw some paper sticking out of Balin's bag. I quickly grabbed it and began to read it.

"Hey, u can't read that. It isn't urs!!" Ori exclaimed while others tried to get it back from me. I simply dodged them as I read. When i finished a smiled.

"Ah going back to the old mountain. Sounds fun. I'd like to come along." I said.

Thorin scowled at me, "u cannot nor will not attend this quest."

I scowled back, "I'm not asking for ur permission. I'm coming whether u like it or not."

And to confirm it i took the feather from Balin's bag and fortunately it still had fresh ink on it so I signed my name on the contract.

I smiled and handed it to Thorin, "there, now u have no choice but to 'allow' me to go."

Thorin glared at me, "u could die."

"I know."

He looked at me, then the contract, then sighed, "fine." He mumbled.

Everyone walked back to their ponies. I wasn't sure what to do until Kili offered me his hand. I took it and I swung onto his pony behind him.

*****sometime later******

After we visited a village for supplies we set camp where a destroyed old house stood. Gandalf left saying he was going to talk to himself.....which didn't make any sense...and bilbo and Kili and Fili left to feed the horses.

****a little bit later****

It's been awhile since the two dwarves and the hobbit left and I began to become worried. Suddenly the two dwarves came running toward me. When they finally reached me there were out of breath.

"What's wrong? And where's bilbo?" I asked.

At the same time thy gave me one word that made me understand completely.



Well there's chapter 1! I don't own LOTR! It belongs to J.R.R Tolkien.







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