Ch. 4: Goodbye rivendell, Hello giants

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We were surrounded by elves as ate out dinner provided by Lord Elrond. The dwarves sat with each other playing around and eating like pigs while I was sitting at the table with Lord Elrond, Gandalf, Bilbo, and Thorin.

Around us female elves played instruments, which the dwarves weren't found of, but i on the other hand thought the music was beautiful.

"How is your shoulder?" Elrond asked me after observing the weapons we brought from the troll cave.

"Fine, thank you." I answered politely, when we first arrived I was immediately sent off to get my shoulder tended too, which was quite annoying if i may point out.

"I have heard that you are half elf?" He asked.

I nodded.

"How old are you? That is if you don't mind me asking."

"Not at all. Even though I look about 26, I'm actually 75 years old." I replied. It was true, I looked really young.

He nodded, "and your family?"

"Dead." I replied simply.

"My deepest apologies." Elrond said.

I shrugged, "its fine, they have been dead for quite awhile now."

"Who were your parents?" Elrond asked.

"My mother was called Ariadne, while my father was Keyson. My mother was elvish and my father was man." I said.

Elrond nodded and glanced at Gandalf, who had an amused yet shocked look in his eyes.

Then there was awkward silence.

Which Gandalf interrupted.

He cleared his throat, "well, Anna, i suggest you go and rest. With your shoulder i believe that you should get all the rest you can get."

I nodded, "yes. Thank you Lord Elrond for the meal." Out of the corner of my eye i saw Thorin roll his eyes.  

"Of course." Elrond replied. 

And with that I left to where i would rest.


I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Anna, wake up." I heard Kili whisper.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." I said groggily. Getting up, i looked around, everyone was packing up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"A little after dawn." Kili replied, helping me pack.

"Why are we leaving so early?" I questioned.

"So the elves will not know of our departure." Thorin said.

"What about Gandalf?" I asked, i noticed he was not there.

"We will meet him once we get out of Rivendell and set off." Thorin said, his tone made it clear the discussion was now closed. I looked at Bilbo, he didn't look so confident at the fact that Gandalf will be left behind, for the time being that is. 

I sighed and finished packing.

--->the mountains scene<---

It was raining, and we were walking on the

ledge of a very slippery rocky mountain, did i mention the slippery ledge where we could fall to our deaths?

"Be careful with your footing!" Thorin yelled over the howling wind.

I rolled my eyes, that's common sense.

Suddenly, a huge boulder decided to have fun and hit the mountain right above us.

"I cant believe my eyes! The stories are true! Giants! STONE Giants!" I heard a dwarf yell, i think it was Balin, but it was hard to tell in the circumstances.

But he was right, giants showed themselves unknowingly to us. They were huge, and they were called stone giants for a reason, it looked like they were entirely made out of solid stone, which was probably true. There were only two of them so far and they began to fight, and what was worse was that i just realized that the dwarves an i were on a giant, the knees to be exact.

The giant we were on stood up, separating the group, some on one knee and some on the other.

I was standing between Kili and Bilbo, both looked terrified, which didn't help.

Then a giant threw a boulder at our giant's head, causing it to fall, and one of its knees to come crashing down against the mountain. Thats the knee i was on. The one crashing into a mountain.

Thats just brilliant.


Heyheyhey! I promised i would update and i did!

Srry thats its short

Srry for mistakes, I'm really tired right now so don't get mad about the mistakes plz

I don't own the hobbit

Thanks readers

Updates coming soon.







✌Peace out✌

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