A Quick History Lesson

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Before I begin the story of Aurum and Argentum, I believe it to be important that you understand how life on Earth came to be. After all, there must be a God or gods, correct?
God is the eldest sibling, the very first divine being to exist. Therefore, God is obviously the most powerful. Some religions have different names for them, such as Allah or so, but they really all are the same being. We will refer to them as God to avoid any confusion. 
God had created the Earth, with water and plants and animals, as is believed by Christians, but what is falsely believed is that God created humans. (Or man, as some would refer to them.) God did, however, have the bright idea to create more divine beings to keep them company. And so, the gods the ancient Greeks praised were created. 
    I’m sure some of you who majored in ancient mythology in college will say that the Titans came first, etc. The only thing I have to say about that is: no, the gods made that up to explain their existence because they were having an argument with God. 
Continuing our history lesson, Aphrodite was the first being to be created out of the major fourteen. Then came her sisters, Hestia, Hera, Athena, Artemis, and Demeter. After them came the brothers, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, Apollo, and Dionysus. So there are now fifteen divine beings in the universe. Don’t be afraid to take notes. 
At some point, every god or goddess had created something that benefitted them, all except for Hestia. Sure, she’s the goddess of the hearth, but fire and hearths had already been invented by God and were kept in Heaven. Instead of something that benefitted her, she created fourteen more divine beings to join the fourteen that were already here. Henceforth, the gods the Romans worshipped were created. 
Allow me to name them for you: Venus, Vesta, Juno, Minerva, Diana, and Ceres were the sisters, and Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Vulcan, Bacchus, and... Apollo were the brothers. (We often get Apollo and Apollo confused.) God was delighted and gave them each an angel, an angel that represented their divine places in the universe. For instance, Pluto was gifted the angel of Death, and Venus the angel of Beauty.
God then wished that they had angels of their own, and so the commonly known angels were created to satisfy God’s greed. (God is not perfect, no matter what anyone says.) Some of these angels would be known as Gabriel, Micheal, Raphael, or Lucifer. Lucifer was God’s manifestation of greed, and therefore was cast down into Hell. (He’d wanted God all to himself.) 
At this point, there are at least thirty-three divine beings, (I haven’t named some of the angels) and is thirty-three enough? Absolutely not!
And so, every divine being (Except for Lucifer, because he was in Hell and not included in this decision) gave a part of their power to create the Ladies.
Twenty-one Ladies were created, seven in each group. The First group was Time, the Second, Sun, and the Third, the Woods. Later, most of these First Ladies would be killed off and would be reborn as a Second Lady. (Divine beings don’t die, but they can be killed. Don’t forget that, it’s important.) The Ladies were sent to live in their respective realms, Time went to live in, well, the City of Time, Sun went to live in the City of Gold, and the Woods went to live in the Earthly woods that were below Heaven yet above Hell. As a quick bit of important information, Ladies can create more Ladies, and they will, later on in time.
    So let’s see, we currently have about fifty-four divine beings. But only one more will be created.
The Earth was empty, the plants were dying when there was drought, which forced herbivores to die of starvation, and omnivores and carnivores to die of starvation as well. So God gave a sliver of their very soul to create a divine almost as powerful as they; Metra, the Creator. (Pronounced May-tra) Metra is the being who created the humans, who gave them heavenly fire, and who helped them in times of great need. Later, she would become the most important being in the universe, not even second to God.

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