The game beings

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Jade POV
"Alright since you suggested it you should answer first, Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to do the buddy bubble boggie." she pressed play on the the music and started to dance. Ruby got up and started to dance along with the music. Bella and I soon joined in before I knew it we were all dancing along to the buddy bubble boggie together.

The song finished and we all sat down.
"Okay who's next?" Ruby asked
"You are" Violet replied. "truth or dare?"
"If you could go out with any guy in the school who would you pick?" Violet asked.
"To be honest, after what happened tonight night I think I need a break from boys." Ruby answered.
"Same." Skyler smiled. suspicious
"Makes sense." Poppy said.

"JADE, Truth or dare?" I didn't trust her to come up with a dare that didn't get me in trouble or make me embarrassed or both so I picked
"Do you have a crush on someone?" Ruby asked. My heart started to racing, why would she ask me that she already knew the answer, lying wasn't an option.
"Yes" I replied, trying to avoid looking anyone in the eye.
"Really, who?" The others asked.
"That wasn't the question, stop trying to make me say more than I have to."

Poppy POV
"Ok, Who should I pick to go next" Jade asked.
"Oh, oh, pick me."
"Alright Sunny, Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to prank on Mrs Wright."
"Ok, but I need a distraction, poppy?" "I'm on it."

The plan was to get Mrs Wright to listen to my music while Sunny put a fake spider on her desk. I walked into Mrs Wright office, while the others stayed outside.
"Hey, Mrs Wright I was wondering if you could lisen to my song and give me some feedback on it."
"Sure." as she was paying attention to the song Sunny snuck in and put the fake spider on her desk. she manged to make it out just as the song ended. Mrs Wright gave me feedback, as I left I heard a scream, followed by the sound of a book hitting the desk the other were already giggling and continued to as we ran back to the dorms.

"Okay, truth or dare Skyler?" Sunny asked.
"If you had to date one of the people here who would you pick?"
"Ruby." she didn't hesitate suspicious.
"Aww, Thanks." Ruby smiled, Skyler blushed.
"Truth or dare Bella?" Skyler asked trying to change the subject.
"Um... Dare."

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